Sec. 13b-76. Bond procedures and provisions.
Sec. 13b-76. Bond procedures and provisions. (a) Bonds and bond anticipation
notes issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, are hereby determined to
be issued for valid public purposes in exercise of essential governmental functions. Such
bonds and bond anticipation notes shall be special obligations of the state and shall not
be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the pledged revenues or other
receipts, funds or moneys pledged therefor as provided in sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f,
12-458 and 12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u,
inclusive, subsection (f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71,
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection
(a) of section 14-12, sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41,
section 14-41a, subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection (a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section
14-66, subsection (e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection (a) of section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and 14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299, nor shall the state or any political subdivision thereof be subject to any liability
thereon, except to the extent of such pledged revenues or other receipts, funds or moneys
pledged therefor as provided in said sections. As part of the contract of the state with
the owners of said bonds and bond anticipation notes, all amounts necessary for punctual
payment of the debt service requirements with respect to such bonds and bond anticipation notes shall be deemed to be appropriated, but only from the sources pledged pursuant
to said sections, upon the authorization of issuance of such bonds and bond anticipation
notes by the State Bond Commission, or the filing of a certificate of determination by
the Treasurer in accordance with subsection (c) of this section, and the Treasurer shall
pay such principal and interest as the same shall accrue, but only from such sources.
The issuance of bonds or bond anticipation notes issued under sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, shall not directly or indirectly or contingently obligate the state or any
political subdivision thereof to levy or to pledge any form of taxation whatever therefor,
except for taxes included in the pledged revenues, or to make any additional appropriation for their payment. Such bonds and bond anticipation notes shall not constitute a
charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the state or of any
political subdivision thereof other than the pledged revenues or other receipts, funds or
moneys pledged therefor as provided in sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f, 12-458 and 12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive, subsection (f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71, 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection (a) of section
14-12, sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41, section 14-41a,
subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection
(a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section 14-66, subsection (e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of
section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection
(a) of section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and
14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and section 15-14, and the substance of such
limitation shall be plainly stated on the face of each such bond and bond anticipation
note. Bonds and bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77,
inclusive, shall not be subject to any statutory limitation on the indebtedness of the state,
and, when issued, shall not be included in computing the aggregate indebtedness of the
state in respect to and to the extent of any such limitation.
(b) Bonds issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, may be executed
and delivered at such time or times and shall be dated, bear interest at such rate or rates,
including variable rates to be determined in such manner as set forth in the proceedings
authorizing the issuance of the bonds, provide for payment of interest on such dates,
whether before or at maturity, be issued at, above or below par, mature at such time or
times not exceeding thirty years from their date, have such rank or priority, be payable
in such medium of payment, be issued in such form, including without limitation registered or book-entry form, carry such registration and transfer privileges and be made
subject to purchase or redemption before maturity at such price or prices and under such
terms and conditions, including the condition that such bonds be subject to purchase or
redemption on the demand of the owner thereof, all as may be provided by the State
Bond Commission. The State Bond Commission shall determine the form of the bonds,
the manner of execution of the bonds, the denomination or denominations of the bonds
and the manner of payment of principal and interest. Prior to the preparation of definitive
bonds, the State Bond Commission may, under like restrictions, authorize the issuance
of interim receipts or temporary bonds, exchangeable for definitive bonds when such
bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. If any of the officers whose
signatures appear on the bonds cease to be officers before the delivery of any such bonds,
such signatures shall, nevertheless, be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as
if such officers had remained in office until delivery. Nothing herein shall prevent any
series of bonds issued under sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f, 12-458 and 12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive, subsection (f) of
section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71, 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive,
and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection (a) of section 14-12, sections
14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection
(b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41, section 14-41a, subsection (a) of
section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection (a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section 14-66, subsection (e) of section
14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection (a) of section
14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and 14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299 from being issued in coupon
form, in which case references to the bonds herein also shall refer to the coupons attached
thereto where appropriate, and references to owners of bonds shall include holders of
such bonds where appropriate.
(c) Any bonds issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, may be sold
at public sale on sealed proposals or by negotiation in such manner, at such price or
prices, at such time or times and on such other terms and conditions of such bonds and
the issuance and sale thereof as the State Bond Commission may determine to be in the
best interests of the state, or the State Bond Commission may delegate to the Treasurer
all or any part of the foregoing powers in which event the Treasurer shall exercise such
powers unless the State Bond Commission, by adoption of a resolution prior to the
exercise of such powers by the Treasurer shall elect to reassume the same. Such powers
shall be exercised from time to time in such manner as the Treasurer shall determine to
be in the best interests of the state and he shall file a certificate of determination setting
forth the details thereof with the secretary of the State Bond Commission on or before
the date of delivery of such bonds, the details of which were determined by him in
accordance with such delegation.
(d) The debt service requirements with respect to any bonds and bond anticipation
notes issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, shall be secured by (1) a
first call upon the pledged revenues as they are received by the state and credited to the
Special Transportation Fund established under section 13b-68, and (2) a lien upon any
and all amounts held to the credit of said Special Transportation Fund from time to
time, provided said lien shall not extend to amounts held to the credit of such Special
Transportation Fund which represent (A) amounts borrowed by the Treasurer in anticipation of state revenues pursuant to section 3-16, or (B) transportation-related federal
revenues of the state. Any obligation of the state secured by said lien to pay the unrefunded principal of bond anticipation notes, including for this purpose any obligation
of the state under a reimbursement agreement entered into in connection with a credit
facility providing for payment of the unrefunded principal of bond anticipation notes,
shall be subordinate to any obligation of the state secured by said lien to pay (i) the debt
service requirements with respect to bonds, or (ii) any debt service requirements with
respect to bond anticipation notes other than debt service requirements relating to unrefunded principal of bond anticipation notes or to obligations under a credit facility for
the payment of such unrefunded principal. The debt service requirements with respect
to bonds and bond anticipation notes also may be secured by a pledge of reserves, sinking
funds and any other funds and accounts, including proceeds from investment of any of
the foregoing, established pursuant to sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f, 12-458 and 12-458d,
subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive, subsection
(f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71, 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection (a) of section 14-12,
sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28,
subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41, section 14-41a, subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection (a) of
section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section 14-66, subsection
(e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of section
14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection (a) of
section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and 14-381,
subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299 or the proceedings
authorizing the issuance of such bonds, and by moneys paid under a credit facility,
including, but not limited to, a letter of credit or policy of bond insurance, issued by a
financial institution pursuant to an agreement authorized by such proceedings.
(e) The proceedings under which bonds are authorized to be issued may, subject to
the provisions of the general statutes, contain any or all of the following: (1) Provisions
respecting custody of the proceeds from the sale of the bonds and any bond anticipation
notes, including any requirements that such proceeds be held separate from or not be
commingled with other funds of the state; (2) provisions for the investment and reinvestment of bond proceeds until used to pay transportation costs and for the disposition of any
excess bond proceeds or investment earnings thereon; (3) provisions for the execution of
reimbursement agreements or similar agreements in connection with credit facilities,
including, but not limited to, letters of credit or policies of bond insurance, remarketing
agreements and agreements for the purpose of moderating interest rate fluctuations, and
of such other agreements entered into pursuant to section 3-20a; (4) provisions for the
collection, custody, investment, reinvestment and use of the pledged revenues or other
receipts, funds or moneys pledged therefor as provided in sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f,
12-458 and 12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u,
inclusive, subsection (f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71,
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection
(a) of section 14-12, sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41,
section 14-41a, subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection (a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section
14-66, subsection (e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection (a) of section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and 14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299; (5) provisions regarding the establishment and maintenance of reserves, sinking
funds and any other funds and accounts as shall be approved by the State Bond Commission in such amounts as may be established by the State Bond Commission, and the
regulation and disposition thereof, including requirements that any such funds and accounts be held separate from or not be commingled with other funds of the state; (6)
covenants for the establishment of pledged revenue coverage requirements for the bonds
and bond anticipation notes, provided that no such covenant shall obligate the state to
provide coverage in any year with respect to any bonds or bond anticipation notes in
excess of four times the aggregate debt service on bonds and bond anticipation notes,
as described in subparagraph (A) of subdivision (3) of section 13b-75, during such year;
(7) covenants for the establishment of maintenance requirements with respect to state
transportation facilities and properties; (8) provisions for the issuance of additional
bonds on a parity with bonds theretofore issued, including establishment of coverage
requirements with respect thereto as herein provided; (9) provisions regarding the rights
and remedies available in case of a default to the bondowners, noteowners or any trustee
under any contract, loan agreement, document, instrument or trust indenture, including
the right to appoint a trustee to represent their interests upon occurrence of an event of
default, as defined in said proceedings, provided that if any bonds or bond anticipation
notes shall be secured by a trust indenture, the respective owners of such bonds or notes
shall have no authority except as set forth in such trust indenture to appoint a separate
trustee to represent them; and (10) provisions or covenants of like or different character
from the foregoing which are consistent with sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f, 12-458 and
12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p to 13a-175u, inclusive,
subsection (f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71, 13b-74 to
13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97, subsection (a) of section
14-12, sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section 14-41, section 14-41a,
subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49 and 14-50, subsection
(a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c) of section 14-66, subsection (e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and 14-69, subsection (e) of
section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection
(a) of section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192, sections 14-319, 14-320 and
14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299 and which the
State Bond Commission determines in such proceedings are necessary, convenient or
desirable in order to better secure the bonds or bond anticipation notes, or will tend to
make the bonds or bond anticipation notes more marketable, and which are in the best
interests of the state. Any provision which may be included in proceedings authorizing
the issuance of bonds hereunder may be included in an indenture of trust duly approved
in accordance with subsection (g) of this section which secures the bonds and any notes
issued in anticipation thereof, and in such case the provisions of such indenture shall
be deemed to be a part of such proceedings as though they were expressly included
(f) Any pledge made by the state shall be valid and binding from the time when the
pledge is made, and any revenues or other receipts, funds or moneys so pledged and
thereafter received by the state shall be subject immediately to the lien of such pledge
without any physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of any such pledge shall
be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or
otherwise against the state, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.
Neither the resolution nor any other instrument by which a pledge is created need be
(g) In the discretion of the State Bond Commission, bonds issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, including for this purpose any bond anticipation notes,
may be secured by a trust indenture by and between the state and a corporate trustee,
which may be any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within
or without the state. Such trust indenture may contain such provisions for protecting
and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondowners and noteowners as may be
reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, including covenants setting forth the
duties of the state in relation to the exercise of its powers pursuant to sections 3-21a, 3-27a, 3-27f, 12-458 and 12-458d, subsection (c) of section 13a-80a, sections 13a-175p
to 13a-175u, inclusive, subsection (f) of section 13b-42, sections 13b-59, 13b-61, 13b-69, 13b-71, 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, and 13b-80, subsection (a) of section 13b-97,
subsection (a) of section 14-12, sections 14-15, 14-16a and 14-21c, subsection (a) of
section 14-25a, section 14-28, subsection (b) of section 14-35, subsection (b) of section
14-41, section 14-41a, subsection (a) of section 14-44, sections 14-47, 14-48b, 14-49
and 14-50, subsection (a) of section 14-50a, sections 14-52 and 14-58, subsection (c)
of section 14-66, subsection (e) of section 14-67, sections 14-67a, 14-67d, 14-67l and
14-69, subsection (e) of section 14-73, subsection (c) of section 14-96q, sections 14-103a and 14-160, subsection (a) of section 14-164a, subsection (a) of section 14-192,
sections 14-319, 14-320 and 14-381, subsection (b) of section 14-382 and sections 15-14 and 16-299 and the custody, safeguarding and application of all moneys. The state
may provide by such trust indenture for the payment of the pledged revenues or other
receipts, funds or moneys to the trustee under such trust indenture or to any other depository, and for the method of disbursement thereof, with such safeguards and restrictions
as it may determine. All expenses incurred in carrying out such trust indenture may be
treated as transportation costs, as defined in section 13b-75.
(h) The Treasurer shall have power to purchase bonds and bond anticipation notes
of the state issued pursuant to this section out of any funds available therefor. The
Treasurer may hold, pledge, cancel or resell such bonds and bond anticipation notes
subject to and in accordance with agreements with bondowners or noteowners.
(i) Whether or not the bonds and bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to sections
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, are of such form and character as to be negotiable instruments under the terms of the Uniform Commercial Code, such bonds and bond anticipation notes are hereby made negotiable instruments within the meaning of and for all
purposes of the Uniform Commercial Code, subject only to the provisions of such bonds
and bond anticipation notes for registration.
(j) The proceeds of bonds and bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to sections
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, may be used to pay only transportation costs. Costs incurred
relating to any of the purposes for which special tax obligation bonds may be issued
pursuant to subsection (b) of section 13b-74 shall be deemed transportation costs. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the issuance of refunding bonds pursuant to subsection
(l) of this section.
(k) Any moneys held by the Treasurer or by a trustee pursuant to a trust indenture
with respect to bonds and bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to sections 13b-74 to
13b-77, inclusive, including pledged revenues, other pledged receipts, funds or moneys
and proceeds from the sale of such bonds and bond anticipation notes, may, pending
the use or application of the proceeds thereof for an authorized purpose, be (1) invested
and reinvested in such obligations, securities and investments as are set forth in subsection (f) of section 3-20 and in participation certificates in the Short Term Investment
Fund created under section 3-27a, or (2) deposited or redeposited in such bank or banks
as shall be provided in the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds, the certificate of determination authorizing issuance of such bond anticipation notes or in the
indenture securing such bonds or bond anticipation notes. Proceeds from investments
authorized by this subparagraph, less amounts required under the proceedings authorizing the issuance of bonds for the payment of transportation costs relating to such bonds,
shall be credited to the Special Transportation Fund created under section 13b-68.
(l) Any bonds issued under the provisions of sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive,
and any general obligation bonds of the state issued for transportation purposes, as
defined in subsection (c) of section 13b-69, and at any time outstanding may, at any
time and from time to time, be refunded by the state by the issuance of its refunding
bonds in such amounts as the State Bond Commission may deem necessary, but not to
exceed an amount sufficient to refund the principal of the bonds to be so refunded, to
pay any unpaid interest on such bonds and any premiums and commissions necessary
to be paid in connection with such bonds and to pay costs and expenses which the
Treasurer may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with the authorization,
sale and issuance of refunding bonds. Any such refunding may be effected whether the
bonds to be refunded shall have matured or shall thereafter mature. All refunding bonds
issued under this subsection shall be payable solely from the revenues or other receipts,
funds or moneys out of which the bonds to be refunded thereby are payable and shall
be subject to and may be secured in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(m) Whenever the issuance of bonds has been authorized pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, the Treasurer may, pending the issuance thereof, and, subject
to any applicable terms or provisions of the proceedings authorizing such issuances,
issue, in the name of the state, bond anticipation notes and any renewals thereof. Notes
evidencing such borrowings shall be designated "Bond Anticipation Notes" and shall
be signed by the Treasurer or his deputy. The principal of and interest on any bond
anticipation notes issued pursuant to this subsection may be repaid from pledged revenues or other pledged receipts, funds or moneys, to the extent not paid from the proceeds
of renewals thereof or of the bonds. Upon the sale of the bonds, the proceeds thereof,
to the extent required, shall be applied forthwith to the payment of the principal of and
interest on any bond anticipation notes or shall be deposited in trust for such purpose.
The date or dates of such bond anticipation notes, the maturities, denominations, form,
details and other particulars of such bond anticipation notes, including the method, terms
and conditions for the issue and sale thereof, shall be determined by the Treasurer in
the best interest of the state, and the Treasurer shall file with the secretary of the State
Bond Commission on or before the date of delivery of such bond anticipation notes a
certificate of determination setting forth the specific details and particulars of each issue
of bond anticipation notes, including renewals thereof.
(n) Whenever the state has a written commitment to receive a grant-in-aid or similar
form of assistance with respect to a project or program for which the issuance of bonds
has been authorized pursuant to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, the Treasurer may
issue notes in anticipation of the issuance of such a grant-in-aid or other assistance,
provided (1) the total amount of such notes shall not exceed the amount of the grant
commitment which has not been paid to the state and (2) all grant payments with respect
to such project or program received by the state, to the extent required, shall be applied
promptly toward repayment of such temporary notes as the same shall become due
and payable, or shall be deposited in trust for such purpose. Notes evidencing such
borrowings shall be designated "Grant Anticipation Notes" and shall be signed by the
manual or facsimile signature of the Treasurer or his deputy. The principal of and interest
on any grant anticipation notes issued pursuant to this subsection may be repaid from
the proceeds of renewals thereof, from grants-in-aid or other assistance pledged for the
payment thereof, or from the proceeds of a credit facility including but not limited to,
a letter of credit or policy of bond insurance. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to
enter into reimbursement agreements or similar agreements with respect to such credit
facilities, and the state's obligation under any such credit facility shall be included among
the debt service requirements for the applicable period. The date or dates of such grant
anticipation notes, the maturities, denomination, form, details and other particulars of
such grant anticipation notes, including the method, terms and conditions for the issue
and sale thereof, shall be determined by the Treasurer in the best interests of the state,
and the Treasurer shall file with the secretary of the State Bond Commission on or before
the date of delivery of such bond anticipation notes a certificate of determination setting
forth the specific details and particulars of each issue of grant anticipation notes, including renewals thereof. This subsection shall not apply if the grant-in-aid or other assistance is to be paid over a period of years to reimburse the state for a portion of principal
due on bonds or bond anticipation notes.
(o) The State Bond Commission may make representations and agreements for the
benefit of the holders of bonds or bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to sections
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, which are necessary or appropriate to ensure the exemption
of interest on such bonds or bond anticipation notes from taxation under the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue
code of the United States, including agreements to pay rebates to the federal government
of investment earnings derived from the investment of the proceeds of bonds or bond
anticipation notes, or may delegate to the Treasurer the authority to make such representations and agreements on behalf of the state. Any such agreement may include (1) a
covenant to pay rebates to the federal government of investment earnings derived from
the investment of the proceeds of bonds or bond anticipation notes, (2) a covenant that
the state will not limit or alter its rebate obligations until its obligations to the holders
or owners of such bonds or bond anticipation notes are finally met and discharged, and
(3) provisions to (A) establish trust and other accounts which may be appropriate to
carry out such representations and agreements, (B) retain fiscal agents as depositories
for such funds and accounts and (C) provide that such fiscal agents may act as trustee
of such funds and accounts. Any such agreement entered into prior to May 16, 1988, is
hereby validated. The State Bond Commission may also authorize, by a vote of a majority
of the members of said commission, bonds or bond anticipation notes issued pursuant
to sections 13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, in such form and manner that the interest on
such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be includable under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the United
States, as from time to time amended, in the gross income of the holders or owners of
such bonds or bond anticipation notes upon the finding by said commission that the
issuance of such taxable bonds or bond anticipation notes is in the public interest.
(P.A. 84-254, S. 6, 22; P.A. 88-166, S. 1, 2; P.A. 93-307, S. 16, 34; June 5 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1, S. 19, 20; P.A. 98-124,
S. 7, 12; P.A. 02-70, S. 74; P.A. 03-115, S. 59; 03-278, S. 32; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-4, S. 19; P.A. 05-218, S. 32; June
Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-4, S. 49.)
History: P.A. 88-166 added Subsec. (o) re covenants to ensure tax exemptions; P.A. 93-307 deleted a reference to Sec.
13b-405 which was repealed by the same act, effective June 29, 1993; June 5 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-1 amended Subsec. (o) to
specify that the State Bond Commission may authorize the issuance of bonds or bond anticipation notes pursuant to Secs.
13b-74 to 13b-77, inclusive, in such form and manner that the interest therein may be included under the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, effective July 31, 1997; P.A. 98-124 amended Subsec. (e)(3) to add agreements entered into pursuant to
Sec. 3-20a, effective May 27, 1998; P.A. 02-70 amended Subsecs. (a), (b), (d), (e) and (g) to delete references to repealed
Sec. 14-53 and made a technical change in Subsec. (e), effective July 1, 2002; P.A. 03-115 amended Subsec. (l) to make
technical changes; P.A. 03-278 made technical changes in Subsecs. (a), (b), (d), (e) and (g), effective July 9, 2003; June
30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-4 amended Subsec. (j) to limit proceeds of bonds and bond anticipation notes issued pursuant to Sec.
13b-57q to costs of projects described in Sec. 13b-74(b)(6) and related financing costs, effective August 20, 2003; P.A.
05-218 amended Subsecs. (a), (b), (d), (e) and (g) by deleting references to Sec. 14-383, effective July 1, 2005; June Sp.
Sess. P.A. 05-4 amended Subsec. (j) to delete provision re Transportation Strategy Board projects financed by bonds and
notes, and add provisions re certain costs that are deemed transportation costs and re Subsec. does not limit issuance of
refunding bonds, effective July 1, 2005.