Sec. 13b-50a. Initiatives for the preservation of airports.
Sec. 13b-50a. Initiatives for the preservation of airports. The following initiatives shall be established to preserve Connecticut's licensed private owned, public used
airports which have a paved runway and a minimum of five thousand operations per
year: (1) The state shall have the right of first refusal to purchase, via fair market value
and state property acquisition procedures, an airport, if that airport is threatened with
sale or closure, for the express purpose in preserving the airport; (2) the Commissioner
of Transportation may acquire the development rights, based on fair market value for
such rights of such airports, provided the airport remains a public airport; (3) the state
shall fund capital improvements to private airports, in which case the state shall participate in ninety per cent of the eligible costs and the balance by the sponsor, with budget
and priorities to be determined by the Department of Transportation, and engineering
in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circulars; and (4) the
establishment of a new airport zoning category for the airport's imaginary surfaces
as defined by Federal Aviation Regulations. Development within these surfaces shall
require notices for proposed construction and a federal determination of obstructions.
Construction of obstructions deemed hazardous to navigation shall not be allowed.
(P.A. 07-232, S. 50.)
History: P.A. 07-232 effective July 1, 2007.