Sec. 13a-142b. Development of linear parks along state highways.
Sec. 13a-142b. Development of linear parks along state highways. If requested
by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, the Commissioner of Transportation
may acquire by purchase, gift, or condemnation, in the same manner and with like
powers as authorized and exercised by said commissioner in acquiring real property for
state highway purposes, any real property or interest therein he shall find necessary or
appropriate for the development of linear parks along and adjacent to state highways.
The custody and control of such real property or interest therein acquired by the Commissioner of Transportation may be transferred by him without consideration to the Commissioner of Environmental Protection provided said Commissioner of Environmental
Protection shall agree to assume and provide for the maintenance, supervision, responsibility and liability for the property so transferred, either directly or through cooperative
agreements with municipalities to provide for maintenance and regulation. The Commissioner of Environmental Protection is authorized to transfer funds appropriated to
the Department of Environmental Protection and the Commissioner of Transportation
is authorized to accept said funds to acquire real property for the purposes herein authorized. Such linear parks may be located on either or both sides of a highway in one or
more towns and need not be continuous. No purchase or condemnation of land, for the
purposes herein authorized, in excess of fifty feet from the edge of the highway right-of-way shall be made by the Commissioner of Transportation without the approval of
the legislative body of the municipality in which such land is located.
(1972, P.A. 106, S. 2.)