Sec. 12-57. Certificates of correction.
Sec. 12-57. Certificates of correction. (a) When it has been determined by the
assessors of a municipality that tangible personal property has been assessed when it
should not have been, the assessors shall, not later than three years following the tax
due date relative to the property, issue a certificate of correction removing such tangible
personal property from the list of the person who was assessed in error, whether such
error resulted from information furnished by such person or otherwise. If such tangible
personal property was subject to taxation on the same grand list by such municipality
in the name of some other person and was not so previously assessed in the name of
such other person, the assessor shall add such tangible personal property to the list of
such other person and, in such event, the tax shall be levied upon, and collected from,
such other person. If such tangible personal property should have been subject to taxation
for the same taxing period on the grand list of another municipality in this state, the
assessors shall promptly notify, in writing, the assessors of the municipality where the
tangible personal property should be properly assessed and taxed, and the assessors of
such municipality shall assess such tangible personal property and shall thereupon issue
a certificate of correction adding such tangible personal property to the list of the person
owning such property, and the tax thereon shall be levied and collected by the tax collector. Each such certificate of correction shall be made in duplicate, one copy of which shall
be filed with the tax collector of such municipality and the other kept by the assessors in
accordance with a records retention schedule issued by the Public Records Administrator.
(b) When it has been determined by the assessors of a municipality, at any time,
that a motor vehicle registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles has been assessed
when it should not have been, the assessors shall issue a certificate of correction removing such vehicle from the list of the person who was assessed in error, and, if such
vehicle should have been subject to taxation for the same taxing period on the grand
list of another municipality in this state, the assessors shall promptly notify, in writing,
the assessors of the municipality where the vehicle should be properly assessed and
taxed, and the assessors of such municipality shall assess such vehicle and shall thereupon issue a certificate of correction adding such vehicle to the list of the person owning
such vehicle, and the tax thereon shall be levied and collected by the tax collector.
(1949 Rev., S. 1733; 1955, S. 1045d; 1961, P.A. 24, S. 1; P.A. 86-153, S. 3, 5; P.A. 99-189, S. 8, 20.)
History: 1961 act extended section's application to all tangible personal property instead of only motor vehicles, extended length of time for issuing a certificate to one year subsequent to date tax was paid and made issuance of a certificate
within the time limit mandatory in all situations listed, including any time when property has been mistakenly assessed;
P.A. 86-153 amended the provision for removal of personal property from a person's list, in which such property is included
in error, by adding the phrase that a certificate of correction shall be issued "whether such error resulted from information
furnished by such person or otherwise"; P.A. 99-189 deleted a portion of existing provisions, designated remaining portion
as Subsec. (a), required certificate of correction to be issued not later than three years following the tax due date, added
provisions re tangible personal property subject to tax on same grand list in the name of another person, and added new
Subsec. (b) re certificates of correction for motor vehicles, effective June 23, 1999, and applicable to assessment years of
municipalities commencing on or after October 1, 1999.
See Sec. 12-126 re abatement or refund of tax on tangible personal property assessed in more than one municipality.
Cited. 195 C. 587. Cited. 200 C. 697, 711. Cited. 212 C. 639.