Sec. 12-19b. Valuation of land and buildings for grants under section 12-19a. Revaluation. Appeals.
Sec. 12-19b. Valuation of land and buildings for grants under section 12-19a.
Revaluation. Appeals. (a) Not later than April first in any assessment year, any town
or borough to which a grant is payable under the provisions of section 12-19a shall
provide the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management with the assessed valuation of the real property eligible therefor as of the first day of October immediately
preceding, adjusted in accordance with any gradual increase in or deferment of assessed
values of real property implemented in accordance with section 12-62c, which is required for computation of such grant. Any town which neglects to transmit to the secretary the assessed valuation as required by this section shall forfeit two hundred fifty
dollars to the state, provided the secretary may waive such forfeiture in accordance with
procedures and standards adopted by regulation in accordance with chapter 54. Said
secretary may on or before the first day of August of the state fiscal year in which such
grant is payable, reevaluate any such property when, in the secretary's judgment, the
valuation is inaccurate and shall notify such town of such reevaluation by certified or
registered mail. Any town or borough aggrieved by the action of the secretary under
the provisions of this section may, not later than ten business days following receipt of
such notice, appeal to the secretary for a hearing concerning such reevaluation. Such
appeal shall be in writing and shall include a statement as to the reasons for such appeal.
The secretary shall, not later than ten business days following receipt of such appeal,
grant or deny such hearing by notification in writing, including in the event of a denial,
a statement as to the reasons for such denial. Such notification shall be sent by certified
or registered mail. If any town or borough is aggrieved by the action of the secretary
following such hearing or in denying any such hearing, the town or borough may not
later than ten business days after receiving such notice, appeal to the superior court for
the judicial district wherein such town is located. Any such appeal shall be privileged.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12-19a or subsection (a) of this section, there shall be an amount due the municipality of Voluntown, on or before the
thirtieth day of September, annually, with respect to any state-owned forest, of an additional sixty thousand dollars, which amount shall be paid from the annual appropriation,
from the General Fund, for reimbursement to towns for loss of taxes on private tax-exempt property.
(1969, P.A. 766, S. 2; P.A. 76-436, S. 298, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 139, 610; P.A. 78-280, S. 1, 127; P.A. 79-610, S. 2,
47; P.A. 81-305; P.A. 85-371, S. 1, 10; P.A. 87-115, S. 3, 8; 87-399, S. 2, 4; P.A. 88-230, S. 1, 12; 88-292, S. 2, 4; P.A.
90-98, S. 1, 2; 90-230, S. 17, 101; P.A. 91-79, S. 1, 4; P.A. 93-142, S. 4, 7, 8; 93-434, S. 2, 20; P.A. 95-220, S. 4-6; 95-283, S. 12, 68; P.A. 96-112, S. 1; 96-261, S. 3, 4; P.A. 97-261, S. 2, 3; P.A. 98-217, S. 2, 4; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-6, S.
58, 85; P.A. 06-148, S. 6; 06-187, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 76-436 substituted superior court for court of common pleas and included judicial districts, effective July
1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 substituted commissioner of revenue services for tax commissioner, effective January 1, 1979;
P.A. 78-280 deleted reference to counties; P.A. 79-610 substituted secretary of the office of policy and management for
commissioner of revenue services, effective July 1, 1980; P.A. 81-305 changed annual date from March first to January
first for towns to submit assessed valuation of state-owned land and buildings for purposes of state grants in lieu of taxes
on state-owned real property; P.A. 85-371 extended final date for review by the secretary to the January first following
deadline for receipt of statements, effective July 1, 1985, and applicable to any grant or claim information received by the
secretary of the office of policy and management on or after that date; P.A. 87-115 added the provision for forfeiture by
any town which neglects to transmit the assessed valuation as required and provided for waiver of such forfeiture in
accordance with regulations to be adopted, effective May 11, 1987, and applicable to assessed valuations to be submitted
on January 1, 1988, and thereafter; P.A. 87-399 changed valuation date from January first to April first, and changed
reevaluation date from January first next succeeding valuation date to July fifteenth in the year following valuation date,
effective June 26, 1987, and applicable to grants payable in the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1987, and thereafter;
P.A. 88-292 provided clarification that the assessed value of state-owned real property is determined as of October first
immediately preceding the date for submission and established September first of the year in which the grant is payable
as the date by which the secretary of the office of policy and management must have completed any reevaluation of such
property; P.A. 90-230 corrected an omission; P.A. 91-79 provided for the recognition of any gradual increase in assessed
value related to a phase-in of a revaluation, effective April 26, 1991, and applicable to assessment years of municipalities
commencing on or after October 1, 1991; P.A. 93-434 provided that assessed valuation be adjusted in accordance with
any deferment and inserted reference to Sec. 12-62a(e), effective June 30, 1993, and applicable to assessment years commencing on and after October 1, 1992; P.A. 95-283 changed location of appeal from the judicial district in which the town
is located to the judicial district of Hartford-New Britain, effective October 1, 1996 (Revisor's note: P.A. 88-230, 90-98,
93-142 and 95-220 authorized substitution of "judicial district of Hartford" for "judicial district of Hartford-New Britain"
in 1995 public and special acts, effective September 1, 1998); P.A. 96-112 would have changed deadline for secretary to
reevaluate property, from September first to August first, and added provisions authorizing aggrieved town to appeal to
secretary before appealing to Superior Court, but failed to take effect because it amended the version of the section amended
by P.A. 95-283 which was repealed in its entirety by P.A. 96-261; P.A. 96-261 repealed changes made by P.A. 95-283,
effective June 10, 1996; P.A. 97-261 added municipally owned airports, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 98-217 changed
deadline by which the Office of Policy and Management must notify municipalities of adjustments and added process by
which municipalities appeal decisions prior to filing a Superior Court appeal, effective July 1, 1998; June Sp. Sess. P.A.
01-6 provided for notification by certified or registered mail, applied section to boroughs, provided that appeals of the
secretary's decision shall be taken not later than ten business days after receiving notice of the decision and made technical
changes, effective July 1, 2001; P.A. 06-148 made a technical change, effective June 6, 2006; P.A. 06-187 designated
existing provisions as Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (b) re annual payment to Voluntown with respect to any state-owned
forest, effective July 1, 2006.
See Sec. 12-1c re transfer of certain functions, powers and duties under this chapter to the Secretary of the Office of
Policy and Management.