Sec. 10a-2. (Formerly Sec. 10-323a). Board of Governors of Higher Education; appointment; selection of chairperson.
Sec. 10a-2. (Formerly Sec. 10-323a). Board of Governors of Higher Education; appointment; selection of chairperson. (a) There shall be a Board of Governors
of Higher Education to serve as the central policy-making authority for public higher
education in Connecticut. The board shall consist of eleven members who shall be distinguished leaders of the community in Connecticut. The board shall reflect the state's
geographic, racial and ethnic diversity. The members shall not be employed by or be a
member of a board of trustees for any Connecticut higher education institution, public
or private, nor shall they be employed by or be elected officials of any public agency
as defined in subdivision (1) of section 1-200, during their term of membership on the
Board of Governors of Higher Education. Seven members shall be appointed by the
Governor. The appointment of the other four members on or after October 1, 1991, shall
be made as follows: The president pro tempore of the Senate, minority leader of the
Senate, speaker of the House of Representatives and minority leader of the House of
Representatives shall each appoint one member.
(b) The terms of the present members of the Board of Higher Education shall expire
on February 28, 1983. On or before March 1, 1983, the appointing authorities enumerated in subsection (a) of this section shall appoint the initial members of the Board of
Governors of Higher Education as follows: Four members appointed by the Governor
shall serve a term of four years from said March first and three members appointed by
the Governor shall serve a term of two years from said March first. One member appointed by the highest ranked member of the Senate and one member appointed by the
highest ranked member of the House of Representatives who are not members of the
same political party as the Governor shall serve a term of two years from said March first.
One member appointed by the highest ranked member of the Senate and one member
appointed by the highest ranked member of the House who are not members of the same
political party as the Governor shall serve a term of four years from said March first.
Thereafter all members shall be appointed for a term of four years from March first in
the year of their appointment. All appointments shall be made with the advice and
consent of the General Assembly, in the manner provided in section 4-19. Any vacancy
in the Board of Governors of Higher Education shall be filled in the manner provided
in section 4-19.
(c) The Governor shall appoint the initial chairperson of the board, who shall serve
for a term of two years. Thereafter, the board shall elect from its membership a chairperson who shall serve for a term to be designated by the board. No chairperson shall
serve more than two consecutive terms. The board shall elect from its members a vice
chairperson and such other officers as it deems necessary. Vacancies among any officers
shall be filled within thirty days following the occurrence of such vacancy in the same
manner as the original selection. Said board shall establish bylaws to govern its procedures and shall appoint such committees and advisory boards as may be convenient or
necessary in the transaction of its business.
(P.A. 77-573, S. 2, 30; 77-614, S. 302, 587, 610; P.A. 78-189; 78-303, S. 85, 136; P.A. 79-414; P.A. 82-218, S. 2, 46;
82-391, S. 3, 6; P.A. 84-241, S. 2, 5; P.A. 91-405, S. 2; P.A. 97-47, S. 47; P.A. 08-116, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 77-614 and P.A. 78-303 substituted commissioner of education for secretary of the state board of education,
effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-189 provided that student representatives be elected, as determined by various boards
of trustees by students rather than appointed by boards of trustees, and provided for filling vacancies by special election
for unexpired terms; P.A. 79-414 increased number of members from 20 to 21, including member appointed by accredited
private occupational schools; P.A. 82-218 and P.A. 82-391 replaced appointment provisions for board of higher education
with appointment provisions for board of governors, designating appointing authorities and staggered terms for members
and making governor responsible for appointment of initial board chairman, reflecting reorganization of higher education
system, effective March 1, 1983; Sec. 10-323a transferred to Sec. 10a-2 in 1983; P.A. 84-241 added "of higher education"
to the board of governors' title; P.A. 91-405 amended Subsec. (a) to change method of appointment of the four legislative
members, on or after October 1, 1991; P.A. 97-47 made a technical change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 08-116 made technical
changes in Subsec. (c), effective May 27, 2008.
See Sec. 4-9a for definition of "public member".
Annotation to former section 10-323a:
Cited. 175 C. 586.