Chapter 178
- Sec. 10-322. Definitions.
- Sec. 10-322a.
- Sec. 10-323. Appointment of commission.
- Sec. 10-323a.
- Sec. 10-323b. Faculty advisory council.
- Sec. 10-323c.
- Sec. 10-323d. Report for the organization of higher education structure.
- Sec. 10-323e.
- Sec. 10-323f.
- Sec. 10-323g.
- Secs. 10-324 to 10-324d. Duties of commission. Policies and goals. Training of educational personnel. Postsecondary education commission for receipt of federal funds. Report on need for new or expande
- Sec. 10-324e.
- Sec. 10-324f.
- Sec. 10-324g.
- Secs. 10-324h and 10-324i.
- Secs. 10-325 to 10-325b. Staff. Advisory committees. Regulations. Contracts. Transfer of funds and personnel. Retirement status of transferred personnel.
- Sec. 10-325c.
- Sec. 10-326. Operation of state institutions of higher education. Board for State Academic Awards.
- Secs. 10-326a to 10-326e.
- Secs. 10-326f and 10-326g. Contracts with independent colleges for use of programs, facilities and services. Contracts with the New England Board of Higher Education for programs in health fields.
- Sec. 10-326h.
- Secs. 10-326i and 10-326j.
- Sec. 10-327. Disputes between governing boards.
- Sec. 10-327a.
- Secs. 10-327b to 10-327d.
- Sec. 10-327e.
- Secs. 10-328 to 10-328b. Budget preparation and transfer of funds. Receipt of gifts. Receipt and disposition of gifts of lands, money or other property. Use of library facilities at state higher educa
- Secs. 10-328c and 10-328d.
- Sec. 10-328e.
- Secs. 10-329 and 10-329a. Receipt and expenditure of federal funds. Jurisdiction over professional staffs of higher education units.
- Secs. 10-329b to 10-329i.
- Sec. 10-330.
- Sec. 10-330a.
- Sec. 10-331.
- Secs. 10-331a and 10-331b.
- Sec. 10-331c. Contracting for additional student space in independent colleges.
- Secs. 10-331d to 10-331h.
- Sec. 10-332.
- Sec. 10-333. (Formerly Sec. 10-14a). Scholarship aid for teachers of children requiring special education.
- Sec. 10-334.
- Sec. 10-334a. Appointment of Connecticut Commission on Aid to Higher Education. Employees. Powers.
- Secs. 10-334b to 10-334h.