Chapter 6
- Sec. 1-28. Permissible forms of acknowledgment.
- Sec. 1-29. Acknowledgments within state.
- Sec. 1-30. Acknowledgments in other states, territories or possessions.
- Sec. 1-31. Acknowledgments without United States.
- Sec. 1-31a. Acknowledgments by attorney outside state.
- Sec. 1-32. Identification of person making acknowledgment.
- Sec. 1-33. Married women.
- Sec. 1-34. Certificate of officer.
- Sec. 1-35. Identification of acknowledging officer.
- Sec. 1-36. Authentication.
- Sec. 1-37. Acknowledgment in compliance with law of other jurisdiction.
- Sec. 1-38. Acknowledgment of person in armed forces.
- Sec. 1-39. Prior acknowledgments unaffected.
- Sec. 1-40. Interpretation of chapter.
- Sec. 1-41. Short title: Uniform Acknowledgment Act.