SECTION 4705-4707
4705. (a) Every service agency shall, as a condition of continued receipt of state funds, have an agency fair hearing procedure for resolving conflicts between the service agency and recipients of, or applicants for, service. The State Department of Developmental Services shall promulgate regulations to implement this chapter by July 1, 1999, which shall be binding on every service agency. Any public or private agency receiving state funds for the purpose of serving persons with developmental disabilities not otherwise subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, as a condition of continued receipt of state funds, adopt and periodically review a written internal grievance procedure. (b) An agency that employs a fair hearing procedure mandated by any other statute shall be considered to have an approved procedure for purposes of this chapter. (c) The service agency's mediation and fair hearing procedure shall be stated in writing, in English and any other language that may be appropriate to the needs of the consumers of the agency's service. A copy of the procedure and a copy of the provisions of this chapter shall be prominently displayed on the premises of the service agency. (d) All recipients and applicants, and persons having legal responsibility for recipients or applicants, shall be informed verbally of, and shall be notified in writing in a language which they comprehend of, the service agency's mediation and fair hearing procedure when they apply for service, when they are denied service, when notice of service modification is given pursuant to Section 4710, and upon request. (e) If, in the opinion of any person, the rights or interests of a claimant who has not personally authorized a representative will not be properly protected or advocated, the local area board and the clients' right advocate assigned to the regional center or developmental center shall be notified, and the area board may appoint a person or agency as representative, pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 4548, to assist the claimant in the mediation and fair hearing procedure. The appointment shall be in writing to the authorized representative and a copy of the appointment shall be immediately mailed to the service agency director. 4706. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) to the extent permitted by federal law, all issues concerning the rights of persons with developmental disabilities to receive services under this division shall be decided under this chapter, including those issues related to fair hearings, provided under the medicaid home- and community-services waiver granted to the State Department of Health Services. (b) Whenever a fair hearing under this chapter involves services provided under the medicaid home- and community-based services waiver, the State Department of Health Services shall retain the right, as provided in Section 4712.5, to review and modify any decision reached under this chapter. 4707. By July 1, 1999, the State Department of Developmental Services shall implement a mediation process for resolving conflicts between regional centers and recipients of services specified in this chapter. Regulations implementing the mediation process shall be adopted by July 1, 2000.