SECTION 4560-4568
4560. The Legislature finds that whenever multiple, uncoordinated, and duplicative planning activities are conducted by different state agencies on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities, the result is confusion of responsibilities, a lack of systemwide priorities, and failure to make the most appropriate use of all federal, state, and local funds and programs. 4561. In order to integrate all relevant state planning and budgeting, and in order to comply with federal requirements, a California Developmental Disabilities State Plan shall be prepared by the state council not less often than once every five years, and shall be reviewed and revised, as necessary, on an annual basis. All references in this part to "state plan" shall be references to the California Developmental Disabilities State Plan. The state plan shall include, but not be limited to, all state plan requirements contained in subtitles A and B of Title I of Public Law 106-402 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 15001 et seq.), or requirements established by the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. 4562. (a) The state council and the area boards on developmental disabilities shall conduct activities necessary to develop or implement the state plan in the various regions of the state. (b) In preparing this plan, the council shall utilize information provided by the area boards, statewide and local entities, individuals with developmental disabilities, family members, and other interested parties, to help identify and prioritize actions needed to improve California's system of services and supports for persons with developmental disabilities. The purpose of the plan shall be to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive system of community services and supports that is consumer and family centered and consumer and family directed, and to enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, independence, productivity, and to be integrated and included in all facets of community life. 4563. (a) Area boards shall assess the extent to which services, supports, and other forms of assistance are available to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families within the area board catchment area, and shall make recommendations of objectives in both policy reform and service demonstration, based on identified service and support needs and priorities within the area board catchment area, to be included in the state plan. (b) Area boards shall participate with the state council in the development and implementation of the state plan and shall submit any information concerning the area's services, needs, and priorities to the state council in a time and format as may be required to meet federal reporting requirements. 4564. The state council, in conjunction with the area boards, shall conduct open hearings on the state plan and related budgetary issues prior to submission of the plan pursuant to Section 4565. 4565. The state plan shall be given to the Governor, the Secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency, the protection and advocacy agency designated by the Governor to fulfill the requirements and assurances of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Legislature, and to the chairpersons of all area boards for review and comment prior to its submission by the chairperson of the state council to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. Copies of the state plan shall be provided, no later than November 1 of each year, to the Director of Finance and to the Legislature for guidance in the development of the Governor's Budget and legislative review of the budget, and for guidance in other legislation pertaining to programs for persons with developmental disabilities. 4566. The state plan shall, in addition to the requirements established herein, comply in substance and format with requests of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. 4567. All state agencies shall cooperate with the reasonable requests of the state council by providing information to the state council in the preparation of the state plan. Any expenditures incurred by state agencies in providing this assistance to the state council shall be identified in the state plan and in the state agency' s annual budget. These expenditures may be funded in whole or in part by state funds appropriated as the required state share of the developmental disabilities program, or by federal funds from Public Law 106-402, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sec. 15001 et seq.), or both, when the state council allots funds for these purposes in the state plan. 4568. In no event shall the state council allot federal funds from Public Law 106-402, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sec. 15001 et seq.), to state agencies to replace state funds currently allocated to those agencies for the purpose of planning programs for persons with developmental disabilities.