SECTION 19525-19526
19525. The department may appoint counselor-teachers to provide individual guidance and training to the adult blind of the state. Such counselor-teachers shall give individual instruction in those techniques which will enable the blind to adjust to daily living in the home and in the community. They shall teach the blind reading and writing of braille, typing, travel techniques, household arts and crafts in accordance with the needs of the blind, and give them such other instruction as may enhance their opportunities for personal rehabilitation. This program shall be closely coordinated with vocational rehabilitation services for the blind, the Orientation Center for the Blind and opportunity work centers for the blind. 19526. Whenever any blind person with the proper educational qualifications regularly matriculates, enters, and works for a degree, or for a diploma of graduation, in any university, college, or state college in this state, and who is not a recipient of federally assisted vocational rehabilitation services, the Director of Rehabilitation shall provide from any funds appropriated for the purpose from the General Fund a reader to assist him in his studies. Of the funds appropriated by the 1969 Legislature in the Budget Act for such purpose, the sum of thirty-six thousand five hundred dollars ($36,500) shall be used for this purpose for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, and any appropriations for succeeding years shall be determined by the Legislature. Any reader whose services are provided pursuant to this section shall be deemed an independent contractor whose services shall have been contracted by the Director of Rehabilitation for the benefit of such blind person and not an employee of the Department of Rehabilitation. Compensation for readers shall be established at a rate high enough to obtain competent readers but in no event shall such compensation be less than the basic federal minimum wage. No more than 1,100 hours of service by a reader per annum shall be allowed for the instruction of any one student, except that for graduate students not more than 1,300 hours of service by a reader shall be allowed for the instruction of any one student, provided that a greater amount may be expended if the Director of Rehabilitation finds that the instruction of a student will be facilitated by such additional expenditure.