SECTION 19075-19092
19075. The Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund in the State Treasury is hereby created. All grants of money received by this state from the United States, the expenditure of which is administered under the provisions of Sections 19011 to 19013, inclusive, shall, on order of the State Controller, be deposited in the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund. 19076. The State Treasurer, as required by the federal act relating to vocational rehabilitation referred to in Section 19012 shall receive and provide for the proper custody of all funds apportioned to the state under that act. 19077. The State Treasurer shall also receive and provide for the proper custody of all money appropriated by this chapter (commencing with Section 19075), of all money that may be hereafter appropriated for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter, and of all money that may be received by the department under the provisions of this chapter. 19078. Money in the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund shall be expended as provided by this chapter, as requisitioned by the department in carrying out the provisions of this code and the federal act relating to vocational rehabilitation. 19079. All money in the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund is hereby appropriated to the department without regard to fiscal years, for expenditure for the purposes for which the money deposited therein is made available by the United States for expenditure by the state. 19080. The State Controller may approve any general plan whereby: (a) Any expenditures which are a proper charge against money made available by the United States and deposited in the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund may be paid in the first instance from any appropriation from the General Fund, expenditures from which are administered under the provisions of Sections 19010 to 19012, inclusive; and (b) The General Fund shall be reimbursed for expenditures made therefrom that are a proper charge against the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund. Such a general plan may provide for advance transfers from the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund to the General Fund, based on estimates of such expenditures that will be subject to reimbursement from the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund pursuant to such plan, and may provide for reimbursements to the Vocational Rehabilitation Federal Fund, when necessary. Requests for reimbursement or transfer pursuant to such a plan shall be furnished to the State Controller in writing by the department, accompanied by such financial statements as the plan may provide. On order of the State Controller, the required amount shall be transferred in accordance therewith. 19090. (a) Pursuant to federal law, there is a State Rehabilitation Council, that shall advise and assist the director in carrying out the vocational rehabilitation provisions of this division. (b) The membership of the council shall be appointed by the Governor and shall be composed of the representatives specified in Section 725 of Title 29 of the United States Code. 19091. (a) Pursuant to federal law, there is a State Independent Living Council, that shall advise and assist the director in carrying out the independent living provisions of this division and federal law. (b) The membership of the council shall be appointed by the Governor and shall be composed of the representatives specified in Section 796d of Title 29 of the United States Code. 19092. (a) The functions of the State Rehabilitation Council and the State Independent Living Council and terms of appointment of the members thereof shall be governed by Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 701) of Title 29 of the United States Code. (b) Members of the councils described in subdivision (a) shall be reimbursed for the actual costs of reasonable and necessary expenses, including child care and personal assistance services, incurred when attending council meetings and or performing council duties. In addition, any member who is unemployed or who is required to forfeit wages from other employment shall be compensated one hundred dollars ($100) per day for each day the member is engaged in attending council meetings and or performing duties of the council. (c) The director, in consultation with the councils, shall provide necessary staff support and assistance for the respective councils to carry out their functions.