SECTION 14030-14042
14030. (a) This article shall be known as the "Medi-Cal Conflict of Interest Law". It is the intent of the Legislature that provisions be made for disclosure of the interests of providers of service in the services, facilities, and organizations to which they refer Medi-Cal recipients so that it is possible to determine the extent to which conflicts of interests may exist because of such referrals. It is the further intent of the Legislature that provision be made for the regulation of employment of present and former employees of state and local agencies responsible for the expenditure of funds under Medi-Cal so as to avoid the risk of conflicts of interests. (b) As used in this article, the term "referral" means (1) the referral of a recipient by a provider of service to any other provider of service; (2) the placement of a recipient by a provider of service in any facility; or (3) the obtaining, requesting, ordering, or prescribing of services or supplies by a provider of service on behalf of a recipient from any other provider of service. As used in this article, the term "immediate family" includes the spouse and children of the provider of service, the parents of the provider of service and his spouse, and the spouses of the children of the provider of service. As used in this article, the term "state or local officer or employee who is responsible for the expenditure of substantial amounts of funds under Medi-Cal" means (1) the Director of the State Department of Health Services, and (2) those other state officers or employees, and those local officers or employees, who are determined by the director by regulation to be responsible for the expenditure of substantial amounts of funds under the California Medical Assistance Act and California's State Plan under Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act. As used in this article the term "substantial amounts of funds" shall have the meaning defined by the director by regulation. As used in this article, "judicial, quasi-judicial or other proceeding" shall have the meaning defined in Article 4 (commencing with Section 87400) of Chapter 7 of Title 9 of the Government Code. 14031. No payment under this chapter shall be made to a provider of services or to any facility or organization in which a provider of service or his immediate family has a significant beneficial interest, for services rendered in connection with any referral of a recipient, unless there is on file with the director and the Advisory Health Council a statement of the nature and extent of such interest. 14032. (a) No state or local officer or employee who is responsible for the expenditure of substantial amounts of funds under Medi-Cal, no individual who formerly was such an officer or employee, and no partner of such an officer or employee shall commit any act, in connection with any activity concerning Medi-Cal, if the commission of such act by an officer or employee of the United States Government, an individual who was such an officer or employee, or a partner of such an officer or employee, in connection with any activity concerning the United States Government, would be prohibited by Section 207 or 208 of Title 18 of the United States Code. (b) Upon the petition of any interested person or party, a court or state administrative agency or any officer thereof in any judicial, quasi-judicial or other proceeding may, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, exclude any person found to be in violation of this section from further participation in any judicial, quasi-judicial or other proceeding then pending before such court, agency or officer. (c) The prohibitions of this section shall not apply to any person who left government service prior to the effective date of this section except that any such person who returned to government service on or after the effective date of this section shall be covered thereby. 14033. This article shall remain in effect only until Section 1902 (a)(4)(C) of the federal Social Security Act, as added by Public Law 95-559 is repealed, held invalid by a court of appeal, or otherwise made inoperative, and as of such date is repealed. 14040. (a) Each contract for fiscal intermediary services shall allow, to the extent practicable, providers to utilize electronic means for transmitting claims to the fiscal intermediary contractor. Means of transmission, and the manner and format used, shall be approved by the director. In determining which electronic means are acceptable, the director shall consider magnetic tape, computer-to-computer via telephone, diskettes, and any other methods which may become available through technological advancements. (b) A provider, as defined in Section 14043.1, may assign signature authority for transmission of claims to the provider's authorized representative or the registered billing agent of the provider identified to the department pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 14040.5. (c) The department shall develop reasonable standards for participation and continued participation by providers and billing agents in the use of claims transmission methods utilized pursuant to this section. These standards shall be designed to ensure that providers and billing agents submit technically complete claims and to reduce the potential for fraud and abuse. The department shall notify providers and billing agents of any planned changes to the claims transmission standards prior to the implementation of the changes. A "technically complete claim" means any billing request for payment from a provider or the billing agent of the provider, including an original claim, claim inquiry, or appeal, that is submitted on the correct Medi-Cal claim form or electronic billing format, is fully and accurately completed, and includes all information and documentation required to be submitted on or with the claim pursuant to Medi-Cal billing and documentation requirements. (d) To the extent required by federal and state law, the fiscal intermediary shall retain claim data submitted by providers or the billing agent of the provider pursuant to this section. The department shall, however, return to a provider or the billing agent of the provider original tapes, diskettes, and any other similar devices that are used by the provider or the billing agent of the provider pursuant to this section. (e) In order to reduce the amount of paperwork or attachments which are required to be completed by a provider or the billing agent of the provider submitting a claim for reimbursement under this chapter to the fiscal intermediary, the department shall direct the fiscal intermediary to investigate and develop the means to incorporate as much information as possible on the electronic format. (f) Each provider and billing agent submitting claims shall be responsible for ensuring that each claim submitted for reimbursement for services, goods, supplies, or merchandise rendered or supplied by the provider to a Medi-Cal beneficiary or under the Medi-Cal program meets the standards established by the department pursuant to this section. 14040.1. (a) "Billing agent" or "billing agent of the provider" means any individual, partnership, group, association, corporation, institution, or entity, and the officers, directors, owners, managing employees, or agents of any partnership, group, association, corporation, institution, or entity, that submits claims on behalf of the provider, as defined in Section 14043.1, for reimbursement for services, goods, supplies, or merchandise rendered or provided directly or indirectly to a Medi-Cal beneficiary or under the Medi-Cal program. As used in this section a billing agent shall not include an authorized representative of a provider billing solely for that provider, a provider wholly owned entity billing solely for the provider, or a clinic licensed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1204 of the Health and Safety Code or exempt from licensure pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 1206 of the Health and Safety Code when preparing and submitting claims for services provided on behalf of the clinic. For purposes of this subdivision, an authorized representative shall be either an individual who is an employee of the provider or an individual with a familial relationship to the provider. For purposes of this section and Section 14040.5, an authorized representative, a provider wholly owned entity billing solely for the provider, or a clinic that is licensed pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 1204 of the Health and Safety Code or exempt from licensure pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 1206 of the Health and Safety Code, when preparing and submitting claims for services provided on behalf of the clinic, shall be considered a provider. (b) The department shall establish standards for the registration or continued registration of each billing agent. The standards shall establish time periods, no longer than a year from the date the standards become effective, after which, no billing agent shall submit a claim on behalf of a provider, as defined in Section 14043.1, for reimbursement for services, goods, supplies, or merchandise rendered or provided directly or indirectly by the provider to a Medi-Cal beneficiary or under the Medi-Cal program, unless that billing agent has been registered with the department. The department shall establish the standards for the registration or continued registration of billing agents pursuant to this subdivision, in consultation with interested parties, by the adoption of emergency regulations in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code). The adoption of these emergency regulations or readoption of the regulations shall be deemed to be an emergency necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, or general welfare. Notwithstanding Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340 of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, emergency regulations adopted or readopted pursuant to this subdivision shall be exempt from review by the Office of Administrative Law. The emergency regulations authorized by this subdivision shall be submitted to the Office of Administrative Law for filing with the Secretary of State and publication in the California Code of Regulations. (c) The department may complete a background check on applicants for registration or continued registration as a billing agent, for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of information provided by an applicant for registration or continued registration as a billing agent or in order to prevent fraud and abuse. The background check may include, but not be limited to, onsite inspection, review of business records, and data searches. (d) As a condition of registration, or continued registration, as a billing agent, an applicant for registration as a billing agent shall provide to the department a surety bond of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). This subdivision shall become operative only if the director executes a declaration, that shall be retained by the director, stating that the surety bonds described in this paragraph are commercially offered throughout the state and by more than one vendor. 14040.5. (a) A provider may, by written contract, do either of the following: (1) Authorize a billing agent to submit claims, including electronic claims, on behalf of the provider for reimbursement for services, goods, supplies, or merchandise provided by the provider to the Medi-Cal program or a Medi-Cal beneficiary. (2) Assign signature authority for transmission of the claims by the authorized billing agent. (b) If a contract as described in subdivision (a) is entered into, the contract shall meet the requirements of Section 447.10 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations or shall have been approved by the federal Health Care Financing Administration for purposes of the Medicare program. (c) Any provider intending to use a billing agent to submit claims for reimbursements to the Medi-Cal program shall provide, at least 30 days prior to the submission of any claims for reimbursement by the billing agent, written notification to the director of the name, including known legal and any known fictitious or "doing business as" names used by the billing agent, the address, and the telephone number of the billing agent. (d) Billing agents shall register with the director and shall obtain a unique identifier prior to submitting any claims for reimbursement. This unique identifier shall be part of each claim for reimbursement submitted by the billing agent. (e) (1) Any Medi-Cal claim submitted by a billing agent or provider failing to comply with the requirements of this section or Section 14040 or 14040.1, or the regulations adopted pursuant to these sections, shall be subject to denial by the director. (2) The director may deny, suspend, or revoke the registration or continued registration of a billing agent based upon any of the following grounds: (A) Failure of the billing agent to comply with this section or Section 14040.1 or the regulations adopted under these sections. (B) Involvement of a billing agent in illegal submission of claims. (C) The billing agent is under investigation for fraud or abuse, as defined in Section 14043.1, by the department or any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency. (3) The director may immediately revoke or suspend the registration or continued registration of a billing agent upon the involvement of that billing agent in the filing of false or misleading information on claims submitted for services allegedly rendered, or when a billing agent has demonstrated a pattern of filing claims that are not technically complete claims as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 14040. The director shall not take action to revoke or suspend a billing agent's registration or continued registration when the falsity or misleading nature of the information was the result of the provider's actions and not the billing agent' s. (4) Proceedings for suspension or revocation of the registration or continued registration of a billing agent pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, except that hearings may be conducted by departmental hearing officers appointed by the director. The director may periodically contract with the Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct these hearings. (5) The director shall provide written notification outlining the reasons for the proposed action to the billing agent 30 days in advance of a proposed suspension or revocation and shall allow the billing agent to demonstrate within those 30 days by comment why the suspension or revocation notice should not be issued. (6) If after consideration of the billing agent's comment, the director determines that the suspension or revocation is nonetheless warranted, the director shall notify the billing agent of the suspension or revocation and the effective date thereof and at the same time shall serve the billing agent with an accusation. In addition, the director shall send each provider utilizing the services of the billing agent written notice of the suspension or revocation of the billing agent. The suspension or revocation of the billing agent shall take effect 15 days from the date of the notification of the billing agent and service of the accusation. To the extent allowed by federal law, the director may waive any claims submission requirement to assist a provider in submitting or resubmitting claims to the Medi-Cal program when they are delayed because of a billing agent's suspension or revocation. Upon receipt of a notice of defense by the billing agent, the director shall set the matter for hearing within 30 days of the receipt of the notice. The suspension or revocation shall remain in effect until the hearing is completed and the director has made a final determination on the merits. The suspension or revocation shall, however, be deemed vacated if the director fails to make a final determination on the merits within 60 days of the completion of the original hearing. (7) Paragraph (4) of this subdivision shall not apply where the suspension or revocation of a billing agent is based upon the conviction for any crime involving fraud, abuse of the Medi-Cal program, or suspension from the federal Medicare or medicaid programs, or where the billing agent has entered into a settlement in lieu of conviction for fraud or abuse in any government program, within the previous 10 years. In those instances, suspension or revocation shall be automatic and not subject to administrative appeal or hearing. In those instances, the director shall send each provider utilizing the services of the billing agent written notice of the automatic suspension or revocation of the billing agent. To the extent allowed by federal law, the director may waive any claims submission requirement to assist a provider in submitting or resubmitting claims to the Medi-Cal program when they are delayed because of a billing agent's automatic suspension or revocation. (8) Notwithstanding Section 100171 of the Health and Safety Code, proceedings for the denial of the registration of a billing agent pursuant to this section shall be conducted in accordance with Section 14043.65. This subdivision shall not apply where the denial is based upon conviction of any crime involving fraud or abuse of the Medi-Cal program or the federal medicaid or Medicare programs, or exclusion by the federal government from the medicaid or Medicare programs. In this case, the denial shall be automatic and not subject to administrative appeal or hearing. (f) For purposes of this section, "billing agent" has the same meaning as defined in Section 14040.1. (g) As used in this section "provider" has the same meaning as defined in Section 14043.1. 14041. (a) The director shall develop and implement standards for the timely processing and payment of each claim type. The standards shall be sufficient to meet minimal federal requirements for the timely processing of claims. (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that claim forms for use by physicians and hospitals be the same as claim forms in general use by other payors, including Medicare, to the extent compatible with the following: (1) Requirements for maximum federal matching funds. (2) The reasonable needs of the mechanized claims processing system. (3) Maximum billing efficiency. (4) The convenience of providers. 14041.1. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and to the extent not otherwise conflicting with federal law, the department may hold for a period of one month, or direct the medical fiscal intermediary for the Medi-Cal program to hold for a period of one month, payments to providers or their designated agents for health care services that are provided pursuant to this chapter, and payments to entities that contract with the department pursuant to this chapter, Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 14200) and Chapter 8.75 (commencing with Section 14590) for the delivery of health care services. (b) The authority described in subdivision (a) shall be limited to payments for one month only, and only for a month ending prior to June 30, 2009. 14041.5. (a) The department shall develop, disseminate, and update, on a periodic basis, claims preparation and processing software programs that may be used on computers at individual provider or billing service sites. The software shall be made available, to the extent feasible, for the most common computers used in the provider community for use, on an optional basis, by clerical or billing personnel to facilitate the preparation and submission of Medi-Cal claims for services rendered. (b) The software programs specified in subdivision (a) shall, to the extent possible: (1) Contain all necessary validity edits utilized by the fiscal intermediary. (2) Be designed to reasonably reduce common submission and billing errors. (3) Contain features that provide options for the provider to use provider-developed files to reduce data entry requirements and improve reporting accuracy. (4) Provide, at the provider's discretion, for the electronic or paper transmission of claims to the Medi-Cal fiscal intermediary. (c) The department shall consult with affected provider groups prior to developing, disseminating, and updating claims preparation and processing software pursuant to this section. (d) The department shall report to the Chairpersons of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee and Assembly Health Committee by April 1, 1990, on a plan and timetable for implementing this section. The plan and timetable shall identify provider groups for which the department plans to develop, disseminate, and update claims preparation and processing software. (e) Notwithstanding the plan and timetable required by subdivision (d), the department shall develop and begin disseminating claims processing software programs to physician providers no later than January 1, 1991. (f) The department shall, as part of implementing this section, provide technical assistance to providers, including, but not limited to, a user hotline and appropriate training materials. These materials shall cover the installation of the programs, use of the software to enter Medi-Cal claims data, and submission procedures. (g) The software programs for the submission of Medi-Cal claims shall be made available to all interested parties for a reasonable initial fee, plus an annual subscription fee for updates, maintenance, and support provided to users. Fees shall be set so as to recover, as nearly as possible, the development, distribution, and ongoing support costs of software programs, instructional materials, or subsequent updates. (h) Third-party vendors may obtain and enhance these programs for resale and provisions of value-added services to Medi-Cal providers. However, the state or any of its officials, employees, or agents shall bear no liability for software provided through any third party that has been altered or misused by any third party. (i) Neither the state nor any of its officials, employees, or agents shall be responsible for any of the following: (1) A provider's failure to meet Medi-Cal documentation and billing requirements, including timely billing pursuant to Section 14115. (2) Alteration or misuse of the software in the submission of claims to the Medi-Cal program. (3) Use of the software for any purpose other than the submission of claims to the Medi-Cal program. (4) This subdivision shall not apply to any failure to meet Medi-Cal documentation and billing requirements that is substantiated as resulting from the use of software that is directly provided by the department and that contains proven flaws or defects that significantly contribute to the failure to meet those requirements. (j) A provider or third party's eligibility to bill claims electronically by using software programs made available pursuant to this section shall be governed by Section 14040 and Section 14040.5, and any rules and regulations adopted by the director pursuant to these sections. 14042. Each contract for fiscal intermediary services shall provide for an automated system for verifying the eligibility of Medi-Cal recipients. The automated eligibility verification system shall provide the health care provider with a unique method of identifying the eligibility of the beneficiary. The provider shall include the eligibility identifier on the claim for payment. Where a recipient's eligibility has been verified by the automated system and the provider provides a unique identifier on the claim form, the director may not require any label, card impression, or any other evidence to establish the recipient's eligibility. The automated system for eligibility verification shall provide for the continuous updating of recipient eligibility determination. The department shall periodically test the automated system for verifying recipient eligibility for completeness and accuracy, and report the findings of such testing to the Legislature. Unless and until the automated system for verifying recipient eligibility is accurate in at least 97 percent of the cases tested, the director shall provide for the issuance of proof-of-eligibility labels, or identity cards from which an identifying impression may be taken, or other evidence of eligibility to be used as a secondary recipient eligibility verification system. Notwithstanding the inability to provide verification of a recipient's eligibility through use of the automated system for eligibility verification, presentation of a claim for service with evidence of recipient eligibility as is provided for by the secondary system shall conclusively establish the recipient's eligibility. On-line access shall be available to providers, at their discretion, upon the payment of a reasonable fee. The department shall establish the amount of the fees charged to providers for on-line access, which shall be based upon the costs of providing on-line access to providers.