SECTION 1075-1078
1075. The Youth Authority shall, in accordance with law, appoint all officers and employees required at the institutions under this chapter, and shall fix their remuneration. 1076. The superintendent, assistant superintendent, supervisor, or any employee having custody of wards, of each institution of the Department of the Youth Authority, and any transportation officer of the Department of the Youth Authority, shall have the powers and authority of peace officers listed in Section 830.5 of the Penal Code. 1077. (a) Any psychologist employed by or who contracts with the Department of the Youth Authority to provide services to wards under the jurisdiction of the department shall be licensed to practice in this state. (b) Any psychologist employed by the department on July 1, 1999, shall be exempt from the requirements of subdivision (a), as long as he or she continues employment with the department in the same class. (c) The requirements of subdivision (a) may be waived in order for a person to gain qualifying expertise for licensure as a psychologist in this state in accordance with Section 1277 of the Health and Safety Code. 1078. To the extent that funding is available, the department, in consultation with the State Department of Mental Health, shall develop training in the treatment of children and adolescents for mental health disorders and shall provide training to all appropriate mental health professionals.