SECTION 10650-10656
10650. It is hereby declared that the solution and prevention of individuals and families who could otherwise be productive and self-supporting members of society from becoming or remaining public assistance recipients is a matter of statewide concern. The Secretary of the Health and Welfare Agency shall have full power to direct, supervise, and coordinate all services provided by the state departments of the Health and Welfare Agency which relate to this matter, as necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter. 10651. The purposes of this chapter are as follows: (a) To combat poverty and reduce dependency by placing special attention and emphasis on the training, rehabilitation, and employment of present and potential recipients of public assistance and to prevent their future unemployment; (b) To combine and coordinate all state services and programs relating to vocational education, vocational rehabilitation, and employment for public assistance recipients; (c) To avoid duplication and fragmentation of training, rehabilitation, and employment services, and provide the most effective services possible, on behalf of public assistance recipients. 10652. The department and the State Department of Rehabilitation, acting jointly, shall select public assistance recipients who qualify under either federal or state vocational rehabilitation laws, or both, as being in need of, and being able to benefit from, rehabilitation services pursuant to this chapter. The two departments shall enter into a statewide agreement for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this section. Any agreement entered into by the two departments pursuant to this section shall include plans which provide for the most effective use of all federal funds available to the two departments. Such plans may include budgetary transfers, subject to authorization of the Director of Finance, when such transfer will result in increased funds available for vocational rehabilitation services for public assistance recipients, and for former and potential recipients. All increased funds made available as a result of the implementation of agreements and plans made pursuant to this section, shall be used exclusively to provide vocational rehabilitation service for current, former, or potential public assistance recipients. 10653. The county department shall be responsible for the initial selection of public assistance recipients who are to participate in training, vocational educational programs, or other employment preparation programs that are developed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The county department shall have primary responsibility for providing those services which will prepare recipients for the specific vocational training and employment placement services offered by the Employment Development Department, the Department of Rehabilitation, the Department of Education, and any other state or federal agencies offering specialized programs to upgrade the capacity of recipients and potential recipients to improve their capacity for self-support or self-direction. The services provided by the county department shall be geared to complement those services offered by state and federal agencies to the end that recipients of public assistance receive and participate in the programs to the fullest extent of their capacity. 10654. The Division of Vocational Education of the State Department of Education shall have primary responsibility for the education and training of public assistance recipients. The Secretary of the Health and Welfare Agency shall through the Employment Development Department work with the State Department of Education to develop vocational education programs which will meet the particular requirements and needs of recipients of public assistance whenever it is determined that such special programs will substantially improve such recipients' capacity to achieve self-support or self-direction. The Employment Development Department shall determine the kinds, quality, and number of persons requiring such education. 10655. The Employment Development Department shall have primary responsibility for placement and other employment services for public assistance recipients; provided, however, that a county department may refer a public assistance recipient to a private employment agency at the same time the recipient is referred to the Employment Development Department. For the purposes of this section, a county department is authorized to enter into contracts with any private employment agencies under such terms and conditions and for such rates as the county department deems reasonable; provided, that once a public assistance recipient has been placed in employment by such an agency, a county department may not contract again with a private employment agency for placement of that recipient within six months of the original date of placement. No referral or contract authorized under this section shall result in the recipient's paying any fee, part of wages or other charges to the county department or private employment agency for such services. 10656. The provisions of this chapter shall be implemented to the full extent of funds available for such purposes.