
SECTION 8360-8362

8360.  On behalf of the State the department has supervisory powers
over the maintenance and operation of the flood control works of the
Sacramento River Flood Control Project.

8361.  The department shall maintain and operate on behalf of the
state the following units or portions of the works of the Sacramento
River Flood Control Project, and the cost of maintenance and
operation shall be defrayed by the state:
   (a) The east levee of the Sutter Bypass north of Nelson Slough.
   (b) The levees and channels of the Wadsworth Canal, Willow Slough
Channel downstream from the Southern Pacific Railroad from Davis to
Woodland except that portion of the north levee thereof lying within
Reclamation District No. 2035, Putah Creek downstream from Winters,
the intercepting canals draining into them, and all structures
incidental thereto.
   (c) The collecting canals, sumps, pumps, and structures of the
drainage system of Project No. 6 east of the Sutter Bypass.
   (d) The bypass channels of the Butte Slough Bypass, the Sutter
Bypass, the Tisdale Bypass, the Yolo Bypass, and the Sacramento
Bypass with all cuts, canals, bridges, dams, and other structures and
improvements contained therein and in the borrow pits thereof.
   (e) The levees of the Sacramento Bypass.
   (f) The channels and overflow channels of the Sacramento River and
its tributaries and the major and minor tributaries' flood control
projects as authorized and defined in Sections 12648, 12648.1, and
   (g) The Knights Landing ridge cut flowage area.
   (h) The flood relief channels controlled by the Moulton and Colusa
Weirs and the training levees thereof.
   (i) The levee on the left bank of the Sacramento River adjoining
Butte Basin, from the Butte Slough outfall gates upstream to a point
four miles northerly from the Moulton Weir, after completion.
   (j) All weirs and flood relief structures.
   (k) The west levee of the Yolo Bypass, extending from the west end
of the Fremont Weir southerly to the Cache Creek Settling Basin and
from Willow Slough Channel to Putah Creek and the east levee of the
Yolo Bypass from Fremont Weir southerly two miles.
   (l) The levee on the west bank of Feather River extending a
distance of about two miles southerly from the Sutter-Butte Canal
   (m) The levees of Cache Creek and the easterly and westerly levees
of Cache Creek Settling Basin; excepting the portion of the
southerly levee of Cache Creek lying upstream from State Highway
Route 7 (U.S. 99W).
   (n) The flowage area of Western Pacific Intercepting Canal
extending northerly for a distance of five miles from Bear River.
   (o) The levees of Tisdale Bypass from Tisdale Weir 4.5 miles
easterly to Sutter Bypass.
   (p) The flood relief structures or weirs and other structures or
facilities essential for their proper functioning in the vicinity of
the Sacramento River between Big Chico Creek and the north boundary
of Glenn County Levee District No. 3.

8362.  The department may contribute funds to the United States and
expend funds appropriated or otherwise available to provide all
lands, easements, and rights of way for bank revetment for the
protection of levees above Cache Slough and the levee reconstruction,
including the costs of all alterations to highways, road crossings,
and drainage and irrigation facilities incident to the work and the
State's contribution of one-third of the costs of bank revetment and
levee construction, as provided for and required under the provisions
of the Act of Congress, Public No. 392, Seventy-fifth Congress,
approved August 26, 1937.