SECTION 8020-8026
8020. Within one month after the publication of the resolution or ordinance of intention, and by resolution or ordinance passed at a regular meeting by a vote of two-thirds of all its members, and approved by the executive of the city, the city council shall call a special election, and submit to the qualified voters of the city the proposition to incur a debt for any or all of the purposes mentioned in this chapter which have been determined to be demanded for the public good. 8021. The resolution or ordinance calling the special election shall specify the following: (a) The purpose for which the indebtedness is proposed to be incurred. (b) The estimated cost of the things proposed. (c) That bonds of the city will issue in the amount of the estimated cost. (d) The number and character of the bonds. (e) The rate of interest to be paid. (f) The amount of the tax levy for each year during the outstanding of the bonds to be made for their payment. 8022. The resolution or ordinance calling the election shall be published. 8023. The city council shall publish, after the publication of the resolution or ordinance calling the election and prior to the day of holding the special election, a notice of the election, which shall set forth substantially all the matters contained in the resolution or ordinance calling the election. 8024. The special election shall be held in the manner provided by law for holding elections in the city. 8025. The votes of two-thirds of all the voters voting at the special election are necessary to authorize the incurring of any indebtedness or the issuance of any bonds under this chapter. 8026. If two-thirds of all the votes cast at the special election are in favor of the proposition submitted, the city council may, by ordinance reciting the result of the election, provide for the issuance of the proposed bonds and any matter incidental thereto.