SECTION 75060-75066
75060. The bond election shall be conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state as far as applicable and except as otherwise provided in this chapter. 75061. Several propositions may be submitted at the same bond election. 75062. Only qualified electors of the improvement district may vote at the bond election. All electors residing within the improvement district whose names appear on the register of voters of the last general election and at any time within 40 days preceding the bond election are qualified electors of the improvement district eligible to vote at the bond election. 75063. The ballots at the bond election shall contain the words "Improvement District Bonds--Yes," and "Improvement District Bonds--No," or words of similar import, together with a general statement of the amount and purpose of the bonds to be issued. 75064. Immediately after the bond election, the election officers shall publicly count the votes and make and transmit a report of the result of the election to the board. 75065. If two-thirds of the votes cast upon the proposition are marked and counted "Improvement District Bonds--Yes" or appear to favor the proposition submitted, the proposition shall be deemed to have been accepted by the voters and to authorize the incurring of a bonded indebtedness and the issuance of bonds in the amount and for the purpose stated in the proposition. 75066. If the bond election has been fairly held and conducted, no informality or omission to perform a prescribed duty shall be held to invalidate or affect the legality of any bonded debt authorized to be incurred.