SECTION 74830-74834
74830. The manner of holding and conducting the bond election, the selection of officers to conduct the election, the designation of precincts and polling places, the preparation, receipt, counting, and return of ballots, and the canvassing and determining of the results of the election shall be as provided for the election of directors as nearly as practicable, and in particulars not so provided shall be in accordance with the general laws of the state relative to elections whereat propositions are submitted and voted upon. 74831. Several propositions may be submitted at the same bond election. 74832. Only qualified electors of the district may vote at the bond election. 74833. The ballots at the bond election shall contain the words "Bonds--Yes," and "Bonds--No," or words of similar import, together with a general statement of the amount and purpose of the bonds to be issued. 74834. If a bond election has been fairly held and conducted, no informality or omission to perform a prescribed duty shall be held to invalidate or affect the legality of any bonded debt authorized to be incurred.