SECTION 52190-52193
52190. All money, including interest and penalties, derived by sale, or otherwise, from an assessment against which bonds have been issued, and amounts of purchase money paid in bonds or coupons on delinquency sales made for such assessments, shall be credited to the bond fund of the district, except as provided in Section 51644. 52191. The county treasurer shall charge to the bond fund the expenses of publication and such other incidental expenses of the county treasurer as are necessarily incurred by him in collecting and disbursing the moneys received and disbursed by him, as well as the cost of keeping such additional records as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this division relating to bonds. 52192. All claims by the county treasurer and the expenditures shall be first approved by the board, and a warrant shall be drawn by the board on the bond fund in favor of the county treasurer in payment for such expenditures. 52193. The county treasurer shall transfer the balance remaining in the bond fund, after payment in full of the principal and interest of all outstanding bonds, to the general fund of the district.