SECTION 50730-50732
50730. There shall be an election in each district on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each odd-numbered year at such place in or near the district as designated by the board. The costs of the election shall be a charge upon the district. 50731. In addition to the regular election under Section 50730, upon receipt of a recommendation of the board of trustees or upon receipt of a verified petition of 20 percent of the landowners who, together, own at least 20 percent in value of the lands in the district, as determined from the last tax roll of the county, the board of supervisors shall appoint a time, not less than 75 days or more than 90 days after receipt of the petition, and place for holding a general district election for the unexpired term of the trustees then serving. 50731.5. (a) Nominations for the office of trustee shall be made by petition filed with the secretary not earlier than 75 days or later than 5 p.m. on the 54th day before the election. (b) The petition shall be signed as follows: (1) If there are 15 or more qualified voters in the district, by five or more qualified voters. (2) If there are less than 15 qualified voters in the district, by one or more qualified voters. (c) Notice that the petitions may be received shall be published once by the secretary at least seven days prior to the final date for receiving petitions. If the election includes the balance of an unexpired term, the notice shall state that the petition must indicate whether the nomination is for that unexpired term. The notice shall be published in a newspaper in each county in which any of the district lands are situated, if any newspaper is published therein, and if not, in a newspaper having general circulation therein. 50731.6. The nomination petition shall be in substantially the following form: Official Filing Petition Nomination of Candidate We, the undersigned voters of Reclamation District No. ____, hereby nominate ___________ (name of candidate) for the office of Trustee of the District for a term of ____ years. Name Date Residence _______________ ____________ ____________________ _______________ ____________ ____________________ _______________ ____________ ____________________ Affidavit of Circulator State of California ) ss. County of ___ ) __________ (name of circulator), being duly sworn, deposes and says: That __________ (he/she) circulated the foregoing petition and saw all the signatures appended thereto and knows that they are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be. __________________________ (Signature of circulator) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of ________, 20__. ____________________________ Notary Public in and for the County of ____, State of California. My commission expires ____. Affidavit of Nominee State of California ) ss. County of _ ) _________ (name of nominee), being duly sworn, says that he/she is the above-named nominee for the office of _____ (office), that he/she will accept the office in the event of his/her election, that he/she desires his/her name to appear on the ballot as follows: ____________________________________ (Print name above) that he/she desires the following occupational designation, containing not more than three words, to appear on the ballot under his/her name, and that this designation is correct. ________________________________________________ (Print desired designation, if any, above) ____________________________ (Signature of nominee) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of ________, 20__. ____________________________ Notary Public in and for the County of ____, State of California. My commission expires ____. 50732. Notice of the election shall be published by the secretary once a week for four weeks beginning not less than one month prior to the date of election in the same newspaper or newspapers used for publication of the notice calling for nomination petitions.