SECTION 41390-41395
41390. The ballots shall be strung upon a cord or thread by the inspector during the counting in the order in which they are entered upon the tally list by the judges. 41391. As soon as all votes are counted a certificate shall be drawn upon each of the papers containing the poll lists and tallies, or attached thereto, stating in words and figures at full length the number of votes each one voted for has received, and designating the office to fill which he was voted for. Each certificate shall be signed by a judge and the inspector. 41392. One of the certificates, with the poll list and the tally paper to which it is attached, shall be retained by the inspector and preserved by him at least six months. 41393. The ballots, together with the other certificate with the poll list and tally paper to which it is attached, shall be: (a) Sealed by the inspector in the presence of the judges and endorsed "Election returns of (naming the precinct) precinct." (b) Directed to the secretary. (c) Immediately delivered by the inspector or some other responsible carrier designated by him, to the secretary. (d) Kept by the secretary unopened for at least six months. 41394. If any voter of the district is of the opinion that the vote of any precinct has not been correctly counted, he may appear on the day appointed for the board to open and canvass the returns, and demand a recount of the vote of the precinct that is claimed to have been incorrectly counted. 41395. No list, tally paper, or certificate returned from any election shall be set aside or rejected for want of form if it can be satisfactorily understood.