SECTION 39460-39466
39460. The department shall publish the formation petition and a notice of the time and place of the hearing on the petition in each affected county once a week for three successive weeks before the hearing. 39461. The notice shall not be published until five days after the filing of the petition and undertaking in the office of the department. 39462. When the petition consists of a number of separate instruments, only one copy need be published, but the names attached to all of the instruments shall appear in the publication. 39463. The notice shall be issued by the department, shall refer to the petition, and shall be directed to the petitioners, all other persons holding title to land, and all other persons interested in or affected by the project. It shall be substantially in the following form: Before the Department of Water Resources, State of California. To the persons named as petitioners in the foregoing petition, to all persons holding title or evidence of title to lands included within the water storage district proposed therein; and to all other persons who may be interested in or affected by the project: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the foregoing petition was filed with the Department of Water Resources on the ____ day of ____ and will be heard by the Department of Water Resources at ____ on the ____ day of ____ at the hour of __m. of that day, at which time and place the Department of Water Resources will hear and receive evidence in support of said petition or any objections which may be presented thereto, and will hear and determine the right of all parties holding title or evidence of title to lands not included in the water storage district proposed in said petition, but which lands are already irrigated or susceptible of irrigation from the same common source and by the same system of storage and irrigation works as are particularly referred to and described in said petition, to have said lands included in said district. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Division 14 of the Water Code, to which said division particular reference is hereby made. Dated ____ Department of Water Resources, by (Title of person signing for the department) 39464. No defect in the form or contents of the published notice, title to it, or petition, nor failure to publish or error in publishing any signature to the petition shall vitiate the proceedings. 39465. The department shall give personal notice by registered mail to all holders of title to land whose names and addresses appear on the list filed pursuant to Section 39427. 39466. The department shall make and keep for public inspection an affidavit giving the date of mailing and the names and addresses of holders of title to land to whom notices were sent.