SECTION 25975-25987
25975. Any person claiming an interest in any parcel of land described on the current assessment book against which there are no delinquent assessments who desires to have the parcel segregated into two or more portions and separately valued and assessed on the current assessment book may file with the collector of the district an application so requesting, with descriptions sufficient for assessment purposes of each portion into which the applicant desires the parcel to be segregated, valued, and assessed. 25976. The application may be filed at any time after the current assessment is due but not later than five days prior to the regular meeting of the board in December of the year in which the assessment was levied. 25977. The application shall be signed, as evidence of their approval, by each of the persons assessed on the current assessment book with the parcel to be segregated. 25978. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee of two dollars ($2) for each separate portion into which the applicant desires the parcel to be segregated. 25979. If the portions into which the applicant desires the land to be segregated have separate valuations shown on the current assessment book, the collector shall upon these valuations determine the amount of the current assessment due on each portion. 25980. If the portions into which the applicant desires the land to be segregated do not have separate valuations shown on the current assessment book, the collector shall submit the descriptions of the portions to the assessor. 25981. The assessor shall place a valuation on each described portion, and upon these valuations the collector shall determine the amount of the current assessment due on each portion as segregated. 25982. In either case, upon estimating the assessments due on the segregated portions, the collector shall refer to the board the segregated descriptions, valuations, and estimated assessments due. 25983. The board may either: (a) Confirm, modify, or set aside the same. (b) Refuse to authorize the segregation, separate valuation, and assessment. 25984. The aggregate of the valuations of the segregated portions shall be the same as the valuation of the parcel before segregation. 25985. The decision of the board shall be final, and the collector shall conform with it. 25986. If the segregation and separate valuations and assessments are confirmed or modified, the board shall notify the collector, who shall cause the assessment book to be changed to show the segregation and separate valuations and assessments as confirmed or modified by the board, and he shall separately number the portions as segregated. 25987. The assessment may thereafter be paid separately on any of the portions.