SECTION 1610-1611
1610. If the determination of the board as to completion is favorable to the permittee, the board shall issue a license which confirms the right to the appropriation of such an amount of water as has been determined to have been applied to beneficial use. 1610.5. Before issuing a license for an amount of water or season of use less than that specified in the permit, the board shall either obtain the consent of the permittee or afford him an opportunity to (a) show cause why the amount or season of use should not be reduced or, (b) request an extension of time pursuant to Section 1398. 1611. If the board determines that the construction and condition of the works or the use of water therefrom are not in conformity with the law, the rules and regulations of the board, or the terms of the permit, it may revoke the permit in the manner provided in Article 5 (commencing with Section 1410) of Chapter 6 of this part. The board may in its discretion allow a reasonable time for the permittee to correct discrepancies in the works or use of water before taking action to revoke the permit.