SECTION 1525-1530
1525. (a) Each person or entity who holds a permit or license to appropriate water, and each lessor of water leased under Chapter 1.5 (commencing with Section 1020) of Part 1, shall pay an annual fee according to a fee schedule established by the board. (b) Each person or entity who files any of the following shall pay a fee according to a fee schedule established by the board: (1) An application for a permit to appropriate water. (2) A registration of appropriation for a small domestic use or livestock stockpond. (3) A petition for an extension of time within which to begin construction, to complete construction, or to apply the water to full beneficial use under a permit. (4) A petition to change the point of diversion, place of use, or purpose of use, under a permit or license. (5) A petition to change the conditions of a permit or license, requested by the permittee or licensee, that is not otherwise subject to paragraph (3) or (4). (6) A petition to change the point of discharge, place of use, or purpose of use, of treated wastewater, requested pursuant to Section 1211. (7) An application for approval of a water lease agreement. (8) A request for release from priority pursuant to Section 10504. (9) An application for an assignment of a state-filed application pursuant to Section 10504. (c) The board shall set the fee schedule authorized by this section so that the total amount of fees collected pursuant to this section equals that amount necessary to recover costs incurred in connection with the issuance, administration, review, monitoring, and enforcement of permits, licenses, certificates, and registrations to appropriate water, water leases, and orders approving changes in point of discharge, place of use, or purpose of use of treated wastewater. The board may include, as recoverable costs, but is not limited to including, the costs incurred in reviewing applications, registrations, petitions and requests, prescribing terms of permits, licenses, registrations, and change orders, enforcing and evaluating compliance with permits, licenses, certificates, registrations, change orders, and water leases, inspection, monitoring, planning, modeling, reviewing documents prepared for the purpose of regulating the diversion and use of water, applying and enforcing the prohibition set forth in Section 1052 against the unauthorized diversion or use of water subject to this division, and the administrative costs incurred in connection with carrying out these actions. (d) (1) The board shall adopt the schedule of fees authorized under this section as emergency regulations in accordance with Section 1530. (2) For filings subject to subdivision (b), the schedule may provide for a single filing fee or for an initial filing fee followed by an annual fee, as appropriate to the type of filing involved, and may include supplemental fees for filings that have already been made but have not yet been acted upon by the board at the time the schedule of fees takes effect. (3) The board shall set the amount of total revenue collected each year through the fees authorized by this section at an amount equal to the revenue levels set forth in the annual Budget Act for this activity. The board shall review and revise the fees each fiscal year as necessary to conform with the revenue levels set forth in the annual Budget Act. If the board determines that the revenue collected during the preceding year was greater than, or less than, the revenue levels set forth in the annual Budget Act, the board may further adjust the annual fees to compensate for the over or under collection of revenue. (e) Annual fees imposed pursuant to this section for the 2003-04 fiscal year shall be assessed for the entire 2003-04 fiscal year. 1528. Each person or entity who files a proof of claim under Article 4 (commencing with Section 2575) of Chapter 3 of Part 3 shall pay a fee according to a fee schedule established by the board. The board shall adopt the schedule of fees pursuant to Section 1530. The board shall establish the fees so as to be sufficient on the average to pay the administrative expenses of the board in processing, reviewing, and preparing a report on the claims submitted to the board. 1529. Each person or entity who files a notice pursuant to Part 5 (commencing with Section 4999) shall pay an annual fee according to a fee schedule established by the board. The board shall adopt the schedule of fees pursuant to Section 1530. The board shall set the filing fees in an amount that is sufficient, on the average, to pay the administrative expenses of the board in processing, compiling, and retaining the notices. 1530. (a) The board shall adopt, by emergency regulation, the schedules of fees authorized under this article. The emergency regulation may include provisions concerning the administration and collection of the fees. The fee schedules may be graduated in accordance with the number of diversions or the amount of water involved. The board shall periodically adjust the amount of the fees specified in the schedule in accordance with this article. (b) The emergency regulations adopted pursuant to this section, any amendment thereto, or subsequent adjustments to the regulations, shall be adopted by the board in accordance with Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The adoption of these regulations is an emergency and shall be considered by the Office of Administrative Law as necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and general welfare. Notwithstanding Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, any emergency regulations adopted by the board, or any adjustment to an annual fee made by the board pursuant to this section, shall remain in effect until revised by the board.