SECTION 1345-1348
1345. The Division of Water Rights shall conduct a field investigation of all minor protested applications. The board shall notify the parties of the field investigation not less than 20 days prior to conducting the field investigation, to enable the parties to attend and present information to the board. 1346. The Division of Water Rights may request the parties to submit information in support of their positions. The Division of Water Rights may request information before, during, or after the field investigation. After the field investigation, the Division of Water Rights may conduct additional proceedings in accordance with Article 10 (commencing with Section 11445.10) of Chapter 4.5 of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. 1347. Based upon the field investigation and any other information obtained under this article, the Division of Water Rights shall issue a decision unless the board in its discretion determines that additional proceedings should be conducted under Section 183. A decision of the Division of Water Rights is subject to review as provided in Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 1120) of Part 1. 1348. For purposes of this article, a minor application shall mean any application which does not involve direct diversions in excess of three cubic-feet per second or storage in excess of 200 acre-feet per year.