SECTION 1300-1304
1300. As soon as practicable after the receipt of an application for a permit to appropriate water which conforms to the rules and regulations of the board and to law, the board shall issue and deliver a notice of the application (a) to the applicant, (b) to the district attorney of each county wherein the applicant proposes to divert water under the application, and (c) to the board of supervisors of each county wherein the applicant proposes to divert water under the application. 1301. The notice shall specify all of the following: (a) The number of the application. (b) The name and address of the applicant. (c) The date of filing. (d) The source of supply. (e) The amount applied for. (f) The season of diversion. (g) The location of the point of diversion. (h) The use to be made. (i) The location of the place of use. (j) The date of issuance of the notice. (k) Such other information as the board deems necessary. 1302. If the application is for more than three cubic feet per second or for more than 200 acre-feet per annum of storage, the notice shall state that protests against the approval of the application may be filed within 60 days from the date of issuance of the notice or within such further time as the board may, for good cause shown, allow. 1303. If the application is for three cubic feet or less per second, or for 200 acre-feet or less per annum of storage, the notice shall state that protests may be filed within 40 days from date thereof or within such further time as the board may, for good cause shown, allow. 1304. The notice shall contain appropriate general information as to what protests against the approval of the application shall contain in order to accord with the requirements of law and the rules and regulations of the board.