SECTION 12578-12586
12578. It is hereby declared that the people of the State have a primary interest in the control and conservation of flood waters, prevention of damage by flood waters, the washing away of river and stream banks by floods, and in the determination of the manner in which flood waters shall be controlled for the protection of life and property and the control, storage, and use of the State's water resources in the general public interest. 12579. It is hereby declared that recurrent floods on streams and rivers, and other waterways of the State, causing loss of life and property, disruption of commerce, interruption of transportation and communications, and wasting of water, are detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and welfare of the people of the State. The control, storage and full beneficial use of flood waters, and the prevention of damage by flood waters, and the washing away of river and stream banks by floods are proper functions and activities of the State, in cooperation with counties, cities, state agencies and public districts, and in cooperation with the United States, or any of its departments or agencies. 12580. It is further declared that the State should engage in the study and coordination of all water development projects, including flood control projects, undertaken by counties, cities, state agencies and public districts, and the United States or any of its departments or agencies in order that such allocations and appropriations as are made by the State Legislature for such purposes will be expended upon those projects which are most beneficial to the State, and which will bring maximum benefits to the people of the State from the expenditure of public funds, and also that the State should participate in the construction of flood control works and projects and render beneficial aid thereto, when the benefits are in excess of the estimated cost. 12581. In studying water development projects, full consideration shall be given to all beneficial uses of the State's water resources, including irrigation, generation of electric energy, municipal and industrial consumption of water and power, repulsion of salt water, preservation and development of fish and wildlife resources, and recreational facilities, but not excluding other beneficial uses of water, in order that recommendations may be made as to the feasibility of such projects and for the method of financing feasible projects. 12582. Fish and wildlife values, both economic and recreational, shall be given consideration in any flood control or water conservation program. In the design, construction, and operation of projects, when engineering and economic features of the project make it practicable, adequate provisions shall be made for the protection of migratory fishes, and the designs for structures and facilities required for such protection shall be prepared in cooperation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game. 12582.5. Recreational uses, such as walkways, pathways, access points and view areas, shall be given consideration in any flood control or water conservation program. In the design, construction and operation of projects, when engineering and economic features of the project make it practicable, adequate provisions shall be made for such public recreational uses. The design of the areas and facilities for such uses shall be prepared in cooperation with the Department of Water Resources. 12582.7. (a) A flood management project that receives financial assistance under this chapter and Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 12800) shall meet all of the following requirements prior to state authorization: (1) The project shall qualify for federal financial assistance under the requirements applicable to federal water resource development projects and shall be federally authorized. Projects may be authorized pursuant to a Chief Engineers' report, but shall not be eligible for state financial assistance until authorized by Congress. (2) The total annual benefit of providing protection from flood damages shall exceed the annual cost of the project allocable to flood management. The project shall be designed to produce the greatest feasible reduction in flood damages in the most efficient manner practicable, with due regard for environmental and recreational considerations, and local economic conditions. (3) The project's nonfederal sponsor, or other appropriate local agency, shall be in compliance with Section 701b-12 of Title 33 of the United States Code, which requires the preparation, adoption, and implementation of a floodplain management plan designed to reduce the impacts of future floods. All local communities benefiting from the project shall have an ordinance consistent with the National Flood Insurance Program's model floodplain management ordinance. (4) The project shall avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to environmental and recreational values. (5) Project planning documents shall include an evaluation of opportunities to include multipurpose objectives. The nonfederal sponsor shall accommodate other partners that provide the costs of including multipurpose objectives that the nonfederal sponsor determines are compatible with the project's schedule and primary flood management purpose. (b) (1) The Reclamation Board or department, in its advisory role, shall provide sufficient review and oversight in the initial scoping process, feasibility evaluation, environmental review, and project approval processes for flood management projects to determine whether the requirements set forth in subdivision (a) are met. The department or the Reclamation Board shall inform the nonfederal sponsor and any local sponsor whether the project meets the requirements set forth in subdivision (a) during the feasibility evaluation and environmental review process. Prior to state authorization, the department or the Reclamation Board shall submit a report to the Legislature that indicates whether the project meets the requirements set forth in subdivision (a). (2) The implementation of paragraph (1) in any fiscal year is contingent upon the appropriation of sufficient funds, as determined by the department, for the purposes of carrying out that paragraph. (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the department or the Reclamation Board may recommend, and the Legislature may authorize, flood control projects for which the total annual benefit of providing protection from flood damages does not exceed the annual cost of the project allocable to flood management if the project increases the level of flood protection for state transportation facilities or state water supply facilities. 12583. It is the intention of the Legislature that it will be the policy of the State that the amount of financial assistance to be given by the State to each project adopted and authorized for state assistance by the Legislature pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 1 and 2 of this part, shall be limited to the cost of land, easements, and rights of way necessary in connection with the construction of any such project. 12583.1. It is also declared to be the policy of the state that the state shall not provide financial assistance for relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities for which the owner has no legal right to be compensated for such relocation, reconstruction, or replacement. 12584. Notwithstanding all other provisions of Chapters 1 and 2 of this part, appropriations will be made by the State, from time to time by law, to pay for the cost of cooperation on all flood control projects as required by the act of Congress approved December 22, 1944 (Public, Numbered 534, Seventy-eighth Congress, Second Session), and by the act of Congress approved August 18, 1941 (Public, Numbered 228, Seventy-seventh Congress, First Session), and which projects have by this part prior to September 22, 1951, been adopted and authorized for state assistance by the Legislature, and for which appropriations or allocation of funds have been made by the State prior to such date. 12585. In the event that the Congress after September 22, 1951, authorizes and approves projects, wherein financial assistance is required of local agencies of this State by the Federal Government, similar to the provisions of Public Law, Numbered 534, Seventy-eighth Congress, Second Session, and such projects are recommended for state assistance by the department and approved by the Legislature, including all projects adopted and authorized by the State for which no appropriations or allocations have been made, it is the intention of the Legislature that it will be the policy of the State to pay the costs of local cooperation required by the acts of Congress, except that such costs shall be limited to the costs of all lands, easements and rights of way necessary for the construction of such projects. 12585.1. The costs of local co-operation shall include, as to projects specifically adopted and authorized by the Congress and the Legislature, costs hereafter incurred prior, as well as subsequent, to Congressional authorization but subsequent to submission of the project report by the Secretary of the Army or other authorized official to the Congress for project authorization; but such co-operation shall apply only to costs incurred for the project as finally authorized by the Congress and the State, and such costs shall not be eligible for reimbursement by the State until after federal and state authorization and after the appropriation of construction funds by the Congress. As to small flood control projects undertaken by the United States Corps of Engineers pursuant to Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948 (Public Law 858, Eightieth Congress, 2nd Session, approved June 30, 1948), as amended, costs of local co-operation shall include costs incurred after submission of the design memorandum to the Chief of Engineers, if an allocation of funds for the project is thereafter made by the Chief of Engineers, and such costs shall be limited to costs incurred for the project as finally approved by the Chief of Engineers. 12585.2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 12639) and Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 12800) of this part, and this chapter, the following policy shall apply to projects authorized by the Legislature after November 10, 1969, and to small flood control projects authorized by Section 12750 for which the department made the findings required by Section 12750.1 after November 10, 1969. (a) The state shall pay 75 percent of the costs of lands and rights or interest in lands whereon channel improvements and channel rectifications are located and of lands, rights, or interests in lands necessary in connection with the construction, operation, or maintenance of such channel improvements and rectifications, including those necessary for flowage purposes, spoil areas, borrow pits, or for access roads, apportioned to the benefits resulting from the reduction of flood damage. (b) The local agency shall pay 25 percent of the costs of lands and rights or interests in lands whereon channel improvements and channel rectifications are located and of lands, rights, or interests in lands necessary in connection with the construction, operation or maintenance of such channel improvements or rectifications, including those necessary for flowage purposes, spoil areas, borrow pits, or for access roads, apportioned to the benefits resulting from the reduction of flood damage and all of such costs apportioned to the benefits resulting from increased or higher utilization of land. (c) The state shall pay 90 percent of the costs of the relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities rendered necessary by the project, apportioned to the benefits resulting from the reduction of flood damage. (d) The local agency shall pay 10 percent of the costs of the relocation, reconstruction, or replacement of existing improvements, structures, or utilities rendered necessary by the project, apportioned to the benefits resulting from the reduction of flood damage and all of such costs apportioned to the benefits resulting from increased or higher utilization of land. (e) The state's portion of the costs under subdivisions (a) and (c) shall be determined by the department at or prior to the time the report recommending federal authorization is submitted to the Congress or, in the case of a small project authorized by Section 12750, at the time the report recommending federal authorization is submitted to the United States Army Chief of Engineers, except in the case of emergency flood control construction when congressional authorization and appropriation are concurrent and the normal planning procedures are not followed. In the case of projects already having federal authorization, the state's portion of such costs shall be determined by the department at the time state authorization is sought by the local agency. The state's portion shall not be changed unless there are major project changes made in the plan of improvement, in which case the department, prior to the next appropriation of state funds for the project, shall review the project and make such new determination as it deems justified by the project changes. (f) When a project authorized prior to November 10, 1969, is so modified that it becomes subject to the provisions of Section 12639, the policy described in this section shall be applied to any portion of the modified project which the department determines to be beyond the scope of the originally authorized project. 12585.3. The local agency may receive credit against its share of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way as determined in subdivisions (b) and (d) of Section 12585.2 for lands required for the project which were acquired not more than five years prior to federal authorization of the project. The amount of this credit shall be determined by the department or the board by applying the percentage representing the state portion of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way as determined in subdivision (a) of Section 12585.2 to the actual costs of the local agency in the case of acquisition by purchase or condemnation, and to the fair market value at the time the title is transferred in the case of acquisition free of charge. 12585.4. Whenever specifically authorized by the Legislature, the department or the board may lend the local agency the funds necessary to pay the local portion of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way determined in subdivisions (b) and (d) of Section 12585.2, less any credit for previously acquired lands determined under Section 12585.3. The state loan may not exceed a period of 10 years and the rate of interest on the loan shall be the current rate for the state's Pooled Money Investment Account. The loan shall be repaid in annual installments beginning one year after the loan is made. The annual loan payment may be deducted from the state's annual tax subvention to the local agency, if any. In the event that the local agency does not receive tax subventions from the state adequate to make the loan payment and becomes in default on the loan payments, the local agency, notwithstanding any other provisions of any statute limiting its tax ceiling, shall levy sufficient taxes to repay the loan. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any local agency authorized to participate in the construction of federal flood control projects is authorized to accept the loans authorized pursuant to this section. 12585.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 12639), Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 12800), and this chapter, the following policy shall apply to projects authorized by the Legislature after January 1, 1987, and to small flood control projects authorized by Section 12750 for which the department made the findings required by Section 12750.1 after January 1, 1987: (a) The state shall pay 70 percent of the nonfederal capital costs required by Section 103(a) of Public Law 99-662. (b) The state shall pay 70 percent of the nonfederal capital costs of fish and wildlife mitigation. (c) The state shall pay 70 percent of the nonfederal planning and engineering costs required by Section 105(b) and the nonfederal design costs required by Section 105(c) of Public Law 99-662. (d) The local agency may receive credit against its share of the costs of lands, easements, and rights-of-way, as determined in subdivision (a), for lands required for the project which were acquired not more than five years prior to federal authorization of the project. The amount of this credit shall be determined by the department or the Reclamation Board by applying the 70 percent state portion as determined in subdivision (a) to the actual costs of the local agency in the case of acquisition by purchase or condemnation and to the fair market value at the time the title is transferred in the case of acquisition free of charge. (e) The state payments under subdivisions (a), (b), (c), and (d) are subject to Section 12585.1. 12585.6. For projects authorized by the Legislature prior to January 1, 1987, or for small flood control projects authorized by Section 12750 for which the department made the findings required by Section 12750.1 prior to January 1, 1987, which have been determined by the Corps of Engineers to be subject to the nonfederal costs of Sections 103(a), 105(b), and 105(c) of Public Law 99-662, the state shall pay the costs specified in Section 12585.2 or in Section 12585.5, at the election of the local agency. 12585.7. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 12639), or Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 12800), the following requirements apply to projects authorized by the Legislature on or after January 1, 2002, and to small flood management projects authorized by Section 12750 for which the department makes the findings required by Section 12750.1 on or after January 1, 2002. (a) The state shall pay 50 percent of the nonfederal capital costs required by Section 2213 of Title 33 of the United States Code. (b) The state shall pay 50 percent of the nonfederal capital costs of fish, wildlife, and recreation mitigation. (c) The state shall pay 50 percent of the nonfederal planning and engineering costs required by Section 2215(b) of Title 33 of the United States Code and the nonfederal design costs required by Section 2215(c) of Title 33 of the United States Code. (d) The state share of the nonfederal capital costs authorized in subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) may be increased by up to an additional 20 percent, to a maximum of 70 percent, upon the recommendation of the department or the Central Valley Flood Protection Board, if either entity determines that the project will result in a significant contribution to any of the following objectives: (1) Protects, creates, enhances, or provides opportunities for enhancement of endangered species, riparian, aquatic, terrestrial, or other important habitats. (2) Protects or enhances open space. (3) Develops or enhances recreational opportunities that include, but shall not be limited to, picnic areas, foot and bike paths, and provides public access to all or nearly all of the project works, except those areas where public access would constitute a threat to public safety or habitat or would constitute a trespass on private property. (4) Increases the level of flood protection for disadvantaged communities, as defined in Section 79505.5. (5) Increases the level of flood protection for state transportation facilities or state water supply facilities. (e) (1) The department or Central Valley Flood Protection Board shall include their recommendations with regard to increased cost sharing in the report prepared pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 12582.7, if so prepared, or in any addendum to that report. (2) The department or Central Valley Flood Protection Board shall determine whether the project will result in a significant contribution to the prescribed objectives based upon substantial evidence in the record. The department shall develop, by regulation pursuant to Section 12601, criteria for making the determinations as to whether projects will make significant contributions to the objectives described in subdivision (d). (f) The state payments under subdivisions (a) and (b) are subject to Section 12585.1. State payments under subdivision (c) are not subject to Section 12585.1. 12585.8. For all projects funded in accordance with Section 12585.7, the local agency shall receive credit against its share for the value of the lands, easements, and rights-of-way, for lands required for the project, to the extent authorized under federal law. The amount of the credit shall be determined by the department or the Reclamation Board by applying the percentage amount determined in 12585.7 to the actual amount of any credit determined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. 12585.9. The department or the Reclamation Board shall review flood control projects prior to authorization for the purposes of determining whether the project's individual and cumulative hydraulic impacts are mitigated, as required by Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code. The department or the Reclamation Board shall include the determination in the report to the Legislature required by subdivision (b) of Section 12582.7, if the report is prepared. 12585.10. Section 161 does not apply to the adoption or revision of regulations, guidelines, or criteria to implement Section 12582.7 and 12585.7. 12585.12. The department and the board may participate with the federal government or local agencies in the design of environmental enhancements associated with a federal flood control project, and may participate in the construction of environmental enhancements associated with a federal flood control project for which the state has authorized state participation. 12585.12. The department and the board may participate with the federal government or local agencies in the design of environmental enhancements associated with a federal flood control project, and may participate in the construction of environmental enhancements associated with a federal flood control project for which the state has authorized state participation. 12586. It is the intention of the Legislature that nothing in Chapters 1 and 2 of this part shall be deemed to change the policy of the State respecting that certain contract entered into between the Federal Government and the State of California made pursuant to an act of Congress of the United States, approved May 15, 1928 (Public, Numbered 391, Seventy-seventh Congress, First Session, 45 Statutes at Large 534, Chapter 569), and an act of the Legislature, approved May 4, 1925 (Chapter 176, Statutes of 1925, Section 8525 of this code), nor shall anything in Chapters 1 and 2 of this part be deemed or construed to modify, limit or take away from the powers and duties vested in the department by any law or in the Reclamation Board pursuant to the provisions of Part 4, Division 5, of this code.