SECTION 1210-1212
1210. The owner of a waste water treatment plant operated for the purpose of treating wastes from a sanitary sewer system shall hold the exclusive right to the treated waste water as against anyone who has supplied the water discharged into the waste water collection and treatment system, including a person using water under a water service contract, unless otherwise provided by agreement. Nothing in this article shall affect the treatment plant owner's obligations to any legal user of the discharged treated waste water. Nothing in this article is intended to interfere with the regulatory authority of the board or any California regional water quality control board under Division 7 (commencing with Section 13000). 1211. (a) Prior to making any change in the point of discharge, place of use, or purpose of use of treated wastewater, the owner of any wastewater treatment plant shall obtain approval of the board for that change. The board shall review the changes pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 1700) of Part 2 of Division 2. (b) Subdivision (a) does not apply to changes in the discharge or use of treated wastewater that do not result in decreasing the flow in any portion of a watercourse. 1212. The board shall not grant any permit or license to any person other than the treated waste water producer for the appropriation of treated waste water where the producer has introduced such water into the watercourse with the prior stated intention of maintaining or enhancing fishery, wildlife, recreational, or other instream beneficial uses. Holders of existing water rights may not use or claim such water.