SECTION 10532-10539
10532. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions set forth in this chapter govern the construction of this part. 10533. "Basin plan" means a water quality control plan developed pursuant to Section 13240. 10534. "Integrated regional water management plan" means a comprehensive plan for a defined geographic area, the specific development, content, and adoption of which shall satisfy requirements developed pursuant to this part. At a minimum, an integrated regional water management plan describes the major water-related objectives and conflicts within a region, considers a broad variety of water management strategies, identifies the appropriate mix of water demand and supply management alternatives, water quality protections, and environmental stewardship actions to provide long-term, reliable, and high-quality water supply and protect the environment, and identifies disadvantaged communities in the region and takes the water-related needs of those communities into consideration. 10535. "Local agency" means any city, county, city and county, special district, joint powers authority, or other political subdivision of the state, a public utility as defined in Section 216 of the Public Utilities Code, or a mutual water company as defined in Section 2725 of the Public Utilities Code. 10536. "Plan" means an integrated regional water management plan. 10537. "Regional projects or programs" means projects or programs identified in an integrated regional water management plan that accomplish any of the following: (a) Reduce water demand through agricultural and urban water use efficiency. (b) Increase water supplies for any beneficial use through the use of any of the following, or other, means: (1) Groundwater storage and conjunctive water management. (2) Desalination. (3) Precipitation enhancement. (4) Water recycling. (5) Regional and local surface storage. (6) Water-use efficiency. (7) Stormwater management. (c) Improve operational efficiency and water supply reliability, including conveyance facilities, system reoperation, and water transfers. (d) Improve water quality, including drinking water treatment and distribution, groundwater and aquifer remediation, matching water quality to water use, wastewater treatment, water pollution prevention, and management of urban and agricultural runoff. (e) Improve resource stewardship, including agricultural lands stewardship, ecosystem restoration, flood plain management, recharge area protection, urban land use management, groundwater management, water-dependent recreation, fishery restoration, including fish passage improvement, and watershed management. (f) Improve flood management through structural and nonstructural means, or by any other means. 10538. "Regional reports or studies" means reports or studies relating to any of the matters described in subdivisions (a) to (f), inclusive, of Section 10537, that are identified in an integrated regional water management plan. 10539. "Regional water management group" means a group in which three or more local agencies, at least two of which have statutory authority over water supply or water management, as well as those other persons who may be necessary for the development and implementation of a plan that meets the requirements in Sections 10540 and 10541, participate by means of a joint powers agreement, memorandum of understanding, or other written agreement, as appropriate, that is approved by the governing bodies of those local agencies.