
SECTION 25450-25452

25450.  Any motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, equipped with
lighted acetylene headlamps complies with the provisions of this code
concerning lighted headlamps when it has two lighted acetylene
headlamps of approximately equal candlepower mounted upon the front
of the motor vehicle and fitted with clear plane glass fronts and
bright six-inch spherical mirrors and standard acetylene five-eighths
or three-quarters foot burners, not more and not less, projecting
sufficient light ahead to reveal any vehicle, person or substantial
object upon the roadway within 200 feet.

25451.  Any motorcycle equipped with one lighted acetylene headlamp
complies with the provisions of this code concerning lighted
headlamps on motorcycles when the acetylene headlamp is fitted with a
clear plane glass front and a bright six-inch spherical mirror and a
standard acetylene one-half or five-eighths foot burner, projecting
sufficient light ahead to reveal any vehicle, person, or substantial
object upon the roadway within a distance of 115 feet.

25452.  No acetylene lamp shall emit any glaring light.