SECTION 2625-2630
2625. Unemployment compensation disability benefits are payable from the Disability Fund to individuals who are eligible to receive such benefit payments under this part. 2626. (a) An individual shall be deemed disabled on any day in which, because of his or her physical or mental condition, he or she is unable to perform his or her regular or customary work. (b) For purposes of this section, "disability" or "disabled" includes: (1) Illness or injury, whether physical or mental, including any illness or injury resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition. (2) Inability to work because of a written order from a state or local health officer to an individual infected with, or suspected of being infected with, a communicable disease. (3) Acute alcoholism being medically treated or, to the extent specified in Section 2626.1, resident status in an alcoholic recovery home. (4) Acute drug-induced illness being medically treated or, to the extent specified in Section 2626.2, resident status in a drug-free residential facility. 2626.1. (a) An individual who is a resident in an alcoholic recovery home pursuant to referral or recommendation by a physician shall be eligible for disability benefits for a period not in excess of 30 days in any disability benefit period while receiving resident services, if an authorized representative of the alcoholic recovery home certifies that the individual is a resident participating in an alcoholic recovery program which has been certified by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. The individual shall be eligible for disability benefits for an additional period not in excess of 60 days if the referring physician certifies to the need of the individual for continuing resident services. (b) The department shall reimburse the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs from the Disability Fund, in a reasonable amount as determined by the department, for the expense of reviewing any alcoholic recovery program, as required by the department in the administration of subdivision (a) which is not funded in the county alcohol program plan provided for in Article 3 (commencing with Section 11810) or Article 4 (commencing with Section 11830) of Part 2 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (c) Outside the State of California, an individual who is a resident in an alcohol recovery home pursuant to referral or recommendation by a physician shall be eligible for disability benefits for a period not in excess of 30 days in any disability benefit period while receiving resident services, if an authorized representative of the alcoholic recovery home certifies that the individual is a resident participating in an alcoholic recovery program, licensed by or satisfying a program review by the state in which the facility is located. The individual shall be eligible for disability benefits for an additional period not in excess of 60 days if the referring physician certifies to the need of the individual for continuing resident services. 2626.2. (a) An individual who is a resident in a drug-free residential facility pursuant to referral or recommendation by a physician shall be eligible for disability benefits for a period not in excess of 45 days in any disability benefit period while receiving resident services, if an authorized representative of the drug-free residential facility certifies that the individual is a resident participating in a drug-free residential facility which has satisfied a program review by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. The individual shall be eligible for disability benefits for an additional period not in excess of 45 days if the referring physician certifies to the need of the individual for continuing resident services. (b) The department shall reimburse the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs from the Disability Fund, in a reasonable amount as determined by the department, for the expense of reviewing any drug-free residential facility, as required by the department in the administration of subdivision (a), which is not funded under the federal Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-255) or in conformance with Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 11980) of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (c) Outside the State of California, an individual who is a resident in a drug-free residential facility pursuant to referral or recommendation by a physician shall be eligible for disability benefits for a period not in excess of 45 days in any disability benefit period while receiving resident services, if an authorized representative of the drug-free residential facility certifies that the individual is a resident participating in a drug-free residential program, licensed by or satisfying a program review by the state in which the facility is located. The individual shall be eligible for disability benefits for an additional period, but not in excess of 45 days, if the referring physician certifies to the need of the individual for continuing resident services. 2627. A disabled individual is eligible to receive disability benefits equal to one-seventh of his or her weekly benefit amount for each full day during which he or she is unemployed due to a disability only if the director finds that: (a) He or she has made a claim for disability benefits as required by authorized regulations. (b) He or she has been unemployed and disabled for a waiting period of seven consecutive days during each disability benefit period with respect to which waiting period no disability benefits are payable. (c) Except as provided in Sections 2626.1, 2626.2, and 2709, he or she has submitted to such reasonable examinations as the director may require for the purpose of determining his or her disability. (d) Except as provided in Section 2708.1, he or she has filed a certificate as required by Section 2708 or 2709. 2628. An individual is not eligible for disability benefits with respect to any period for which the director finds that he has received or is entitled to receive unemployment compensation benefits under Part 1 of this division or under an unemployment compensation act of any other state or of the Federal Government. 2629. (a) Except as provided in this section, an individual is not eligible for disability benefits under this part for any day of unemployment and disability for which he or she has received, or is entitled to receive, "other benefits" in the form of cash payments. (b) "Other benefits," as used in this section and Section 2629.1, means any of the following: (1) Temporary disability indemnity under a workers' compensation law of this state or of any other state or of the federal government. (2) Temporary disability benefits under any employer's liability law of this state or of any other state or of the federal government. (3) Permanent disability benefits for the same injury or illness under the workers' compensation law of this state, any other state, or the federal government. (c) If these "other benefits" are less than the amount an individual would otherwise receive as disability benefits under this part, he or she shall be entitled to receive, for that day, if otherwise eligible, disability benefits under this part reduced by the amount of these "other benefits." (d) An individual shall be entitled to receive, for any day, if otherwise eligible, disability benefits under this part reduced by the amount of the permanent disability indemnity if the permanent disability indemnity is less than the amount an individual would otherwise receive as disability benefits under this part. 2629.1. (a) Nothing in Section 2629 shall be construed to authorize the delay of payment of unemployment compensation disability benefits except where the claimant is currently in receipt of other benefits or where the department has received notice that the claimant's employer or insurer has agreed to commence the payment of other benefits. (b) Notwithstanding Section 2701.5, payments shall commence within 14 days after notice to the employer or insurer under this section unless the employer or insurer has either paid or has agreed to commence the payment of other benefits. (c) Upon the filing of a claim for unemployment compensation disability benefits, the department shall make an initial determination as to the claimant's entitlement to other benefits for purposes of Section 2629. (1) The department shall notify the claimant and the claimant's employer if it determines that the claimant is entitled to other benefits. (2) The notice to the claimant shall inform the claimant that disability benefits will be paid pending receipt of other benefits if the employer fails to agree to pay these other benefits within 14 days of notification of industrial injury and shall advise the claimant of the provisions of Section 2629. (3) The department shall also include with the claimant's notice a pamphlet to be provided by the Department of Industrial Relations which meets the criteria specified in subdivision (b) of Section 139.6 of the Labor Code. (4) The notice to the employer shall constitute a claim for compensation and knowledge of an injury for purposes of Section 5402 of the Labor Code, and shall inform the employer of its potential liability for interest and penalties under this section. (d) If the employer or the insurance carrier disputes liability for the payment of other benefits, or the extent thereof, the department's right to reimbursement shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board in accordance with Part 4 (commencing with Section 5300) of Division 4 of the Labor Code. (e) An employer or insurance carrier who subsequently assumes liability or is determined to be liable for reimbursement to the department for unemployment compensation disability benefits which the department has paid in lieu of other benefits shall be assessed for this liability by the department. In addition, the employer shall pay the department interest on the disability benefits at the annual rate provided in Section 19521 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The employer shall also pay a penalty of 10 percent of the amount reimbursed to the department if the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board finds that the failure of the employer to pay other benefits upon notice by the department under this section was unreasonable and a penalty has not been awarded for the delay under Section 5814 of the Labor Code. All funds received by the department pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Disability Fund. (f) The employer shall reimburse the department in accordance with subdivision (e) within 60 days of either voluntarily accepting liability for other benefits or after a final award, order, or decision of the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board. 2629.5. To the extent permitted by federal law, excludable restitution payments, as defined in Section 17131.1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and excludable settlement payments, as defined in Section 17131.2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, may not be applied to reduce the amount of disability benefits to which an individual may otherwise be entitled under law. 2630. (a) The Department of Child Support Services shall periodically notify the department of individuals who are certified, as provided in Section 17518 of the Family Code, as having support obligations, as defined by subdivision (g) and notify the department of any changes in the status of these individuals to ensure that the department has a current record. (b) Upon receipt of the notifications referred to in subdivision (a), the department shall determine whether the individuals have claims for unemployment compensation disability benefits, either with the department or under an approved voluntary plan. (c) If the department determines that an individual referred to in subdivision (a) has a claim for unemployment compensation disability benefits with an approved voluntary plan, it shall notify the voluntary plan payer. When the Department of Child Support Services notifies the department of any changes in the individual's status as to his or her support obligations, the department shall in turn notify the voluntary plan payer. Upon notification from the department, the voluntary plan payer shall deduct and withhold the amounts specified in Section 17518 of the Family Code from the unemployment compensation disability benefits that would otherwise be payable to the individual. For each withholding, the voluntary plan payer shall deduct an amount which represents the amount withheld for support obligations and may also deduct an administrative fee representing actual costs, not to exceed two dollars ($2). In no event shall the withholding and the administrative fee exceed 25 percent or a lesser amount as specified in subdivision (e) of Section 17518 of the Family Code. The voluntary plan payer shall pay the amounts for support deducted and withheld pursuant to this section to the appropriate certifying county. (d) The department shall maintain a current record of individuals certified as owing support obligations. If the department determines that the individual has a claim for unemployment compensation disability benefits with the department, it shall deduct and withhold the amounts specified in Section 17518 of the Family Code from the unemployment compensation disability benefits that would otherwise be payable to the individual. The department shall periodically pay the amounts deducted and withheld to the appropriate county or to the Department of Child Support Services as the assigned payee, as stipulated by mutual agreement, in the interagency agreement between the department and the Department of Child Support Services. (e) Amounts deducted and withheld from an individual's unemployment compensation disability benefits in accordance with subdivision (c) or (d) shall for all purposes be treated as if it were paid to the individual and then paid by the individual to the Department of Child Support Services or the appropriate certifying county. (f) This section shall apply only if appropriate arrangements are made for the Department of Child Support Services to reimburse the department for its administrative costs for performing the functions required of it by this section. (g) For purposes of this section, "support obligations" means the child and related spousal support obligations described in the state plan approved pursuant to Section 454 of the Social Security Act and as that section may hereafter be amended. However, to the extent "related spousal support obligations" may not be collected from unemployment compensation under federal law, those obligations shall not be included in the definition of support obligations under this section.