SECTION 9260-9263
9260. The treasurer shall keep a redemption fund designated by the name of the bonds, into which he shall place all sums received by him from the collection of the reassessments made for such refunding and upon the security of which the refunding bonds are issued and all interest and penalties thereon. 9261. A city proceeding under this division may at its discretion temporarily transfer money into the redemption fund from other funds in which such moneys are not immediately needed. The money so transferred shall be used to pay sums due from the redemption fund and shall be retransferred therefrom out of the first available receipts. 9262. From the redemption fund the treasurer shall disburse and pay the refunding bonds and the interest due thereon upon presention of the proper bonds and coupons. Under no circumstances shall the bonds or the interest thereon be paid out of any other fund. 9263. All money in the redemption fund upon the date the statement of the auditor is approved by the legislative body shall be paid to the holders of outstanding bonds and coupons entitled thereto at or prior to the delivery of the refunding bonds.