SECTION 8360-8363
8360. A local agency may, by written contract, agree with another local agency that a street or highway running from either of the local agencies to, in, through, or across any incorporated territory of the other local agency may only be closed or vacated by the other local agency upon the consent and agreement of both local agencies. 8361. A written agreement between any local agencies made and ratified prior to January 1, 1981, by the respective legislative bodies of both local agencies and providing against the closing of streets or highways described in Section 8360, except in accordance with the terms of the agreement, is hereby ratified and declared valid. 8362. Whenever a written agreement is made pursuant to Section 8360, or has been made and is ratified by Section 8361, each contracting local agency has a public interest in the continued opening and use of any street or highway provided for in the agreement. The legislative body of the local agency in which the street or highway is located, shall only have power to close or vacate the street or highway in accordance with the laws of this state and in accordance with the written agreement evidenced by an effective resolution carrying into effect the written agreement and passed by the legislative body of the other local agency. 8363. Every agreement between local agencies made in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder of each county wherein lies any of the property through or across which the street or highway runs which is to be or has been closed or vacated.