SECTION 26200-26203
26200. At or before the first meeting of the board of supervisors in September of each year, the commission shall furnish the board of supervisors and the auditor of the county in which the district is situated, an estimate in writing of the amount of money needed for the purposes of the district for the ensuing fiscal year. The amount shall be sufficient to pay: (a) The interest on all outstanding bonds of the district which will become due during the ensuing fiscal year. (b) The principal of all outstanding bonds of the district which will mature during the ensuing fiscal year. (c) The estimated cost of repairs and maintenance of the boulevard, and the running expenses of the district. 26201. Annually, at the time of levying county taxes, the board of supervisors shall levy a tax to be known as the "_______ (name of district) boulevard district tax," sufficient to raise the amount estimated by the commission to be necessary for the purposes of the district for the ensuing fiscal year. The board of supervisors shall determine the rate of the tax by deducting 15 per cent for anticipated delinquencies from the total assessed value of the real property within the district, as it appears on the assessment roll of the county, and dividing the sum required to be raised, by the remainder of the total assessed value. 26202. The tax so levied shall be computed and entered on the assessment roll by the county auditor, and if the board of supervisors fails to levy the tax the auditor shall do so. The tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as county taxes, and when collected shall be paid into the county treasury for the use of the district. The provisions of law prescibing the manner of levying and collecting county taxes and the duties of the several county officers with respect to taxation are, so far as they are not in conflict with this part, applicable to taxation under this part. Such officers shall be liable upon their several official bonds for the faithful discharge of the duties imposed upon them by this part. 26203. All money raised by taxation which is authorized by this part shall belong to the district.