SECTION 25025-25036
25025. Districts, to be composed of two or more counties, may be created in accordance with this part for the purpose of improving public highways. 25026. The board of supervisors of any county may initiate proceedings proposing the creation of a district by adopting a resolution reciting: (a) That the public interest requires the improvement of one or more public highways and the acquisition of any necessary rights of way therefor. (b) The general location and extent of the highways to be improved. (c) That it is proposed to create a district composed of the counties of ____ (naming them) which will be benefited by the proposed improvement. 25027. Upon the adoption of the resolution the board of supervisors shall name and appoint one of its members to represent that county upon the board of directors of the district proposed to be organized. 25028. The clerk of the board of supervisors adopting the resolution shall transmit certified copies of the resolution to the clerk of the board of supervisors of each of the other counties named in the resolution. 25029. Upon receipt of a copy of the resolution, the boards of supervisors of the several counties affected shall consider the advisability of creating and organizing a district as proposed in the resolution. After determining the facts involved, each of the boards of supervisors shall adopt a resolution either rejecting or approving the proposal to create the district. 25030. Each resolution of approval shall, in addition to the matter otherwise required therein, name and appoint a member of the board of supervisors of the county adopting the resolution, to represent such county upon the board of directors of the proposed district. A certified copy of the resolution of approval shall be forthwith transmitted to the clerk of the board of supervisors initiating the proceedings. 25031. The adoption of the original resolution by the board of supervisors of the county initiating the proceedings shall constitute a sufficient approval in behalf of that county. 25032. After the receipt by the board of supervisors instituting the proceedings of a copy of the resolution approving the proposal from the board of supervisors of each county proposed to be included within the district, that board shall adopt a resolution declaring the district to be created and organized and setting forth the names of the counties composing the district. 25033. The board of supervisors adopting the resolution declaring the creation and organization of the district shall file a certified copy of that resolution with the Secretary of State whereupon the district shall come into existence and shall have all of the powers granted in this part. The district shall constitute a public corporation and shall be known as "Joint Highway District No. ____ of the State of California." 25034. The Secretary of State shall furnish and transmit to the clerk of the board of supervisors of the county adopting the initial resolution for the organization of the district a certificate of organization of the district. Within 10 days after the receipt of the certificate, the clerk shall notify (a) the clerks of the several boards of supervisors of the counties constituting the district, (b) the state Director of Transportation, and (c) each supervisor appointed as a member of the board of directors of the district that the district has been organized. 25035. All districts shall be numbered by the Secretary of State, in the order of their creation and he shall keep and maintain in his office a list and register showing the districts organized under the provisions of this part or the Joint Highway District Act. 25036. All districts organized or tentatively organized prior to August 14, 1931, may reorganize under this part. The board of directors of the district or tentative district proposing to reorganize under this part may adopt a resolution declaring its intention so to do. It shall then transmit a certified copy of the resolution to the boards of supervisors of the several counties composing the district for their approval. If the boards of supervisors of all of the counties composing the district consent to the reorganization, the board of directors of the district shall adopt a resolution setting forth such consent and declaring the district or tentative district reorganized under this part. Thereupon the reorganization shall be complete and the district shall thereafter conform to the provisions of this part and shall have all of the powers and duties in this part provided. A certified copy of the resolution declaring reorganization shall be transmitted to the Secretary of State.