SECTION 22030-22035
22030. The board in addition to the authority otherwise conferred upon it shall have full power and authority over the trees planted, or to be planted, pursuant to the provisions of this part, and may plant, maintain and remove such trees. 22031. The board may establish rules and regulations relating to the planting, maintenance and removal of the said trees and may recommend to the city council the enactment of any ordinances the board deems necessary to protect such trees. 22032. The board may appoint and employ a qualified person to be designated as city forester or by some similar title, to take charge of and direct, subject to the supervision and control of the board, all of the work authorized to be done under this part. The board may, if a city forester has not been appointed, fix the term of and compensation for the position of city forester, and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for the position and remove at pleasure persons so appointed and employed. If the method of employing and compensating a city forester is otherwise regulated by law or ordinance the law or the ordinance shall govern and control as to such matters. 22033. The board may: (a) Employ, or authorize the city forester to employ, as many assistants as it deems necessary to carry on the work. (b) Fix the compensation of the assistants. (c) Purchase the necessary machinery, tools and implements, for the proper conduct of the work, such purchases to be made in the manner provided by law or ordinance, and only out of funds available for expenditure by the board for that purpose. (d) Incur such other expenses as it deems necessary for the conduct of the work. 22034. The board, or the city council, shall include in the annual budget of the board the amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of doing the work during the following fiscal year, including the compensation of the city forester and other employees, but excepting so much of the expense of doing the work as is assessable to abutting property, in accordance with the provisions of this part. The taxes levied for such purposes shall be in addition to any other taxes for park or street improvement purposes. If these expenditures are already provided for by law or by ordinance, then the law or the ordinance shall govern and control. 22035. The city forester shall take charge of and direct, subject to the supervision and control of the board, all of the work authorized to be done by the board and may plant, maintain, and remove all trees over which the board is given power and authority by this part.