SECTION 19200-19202
19200. The revenue derived from the special tax, together with all other moneys acquired by the district, shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the lighting fund of the district subject only to the order of the governing body and shall be expended by it only for and on behalf of the district. 19201. Any funds arising from assessments made under this part remaining in the county treasury after the payment of all outstanding legal obligations incurred by the district, shall be ordered transferred by the governing body to the city treasurer of any city that has been incorporated since the formation of the district, and which includes the district or a considerable portion thereof within its corporate limits. If no such city has been incorporated then the funds so remaining in the county treasury shall be transferred to a separate fund and upon the order of the governing body shall be repaid pro rata to the persons by whom the assessments were originally paid. 19202. The governing body of any highway lighting district may provide for the establishment of an accumulative capital outlay fund for the replacement of obsolete lighting system equipment. The fund shall be kept in reserve until appropriated in whole or in part to a specific project. At any time after the creation of the fund the governing body may transfer to it any unencumbered surplus funds remaining on hand at the end of the fiscal year after the payment of the expenses of the district.