SECTION 1900-1903
1900. If the legislative body of a city by a resolution adopted by a four-fifths vote of its members, determines that any improvement of streets within the boundaries of the city is of more than local benefit and that the assessments levied against the property fronting on the street improvement or in the assessment district are unjust and in excess of the benefits derived from the improvement, public money may be appropriated to reduce such assessments. 1901. A resolution to reduce assessments pursuant to this chapter shall refer to the improvement as designated in the assessment proceedings, state the amount of money to be appropriated and the fund or funds from which it is to be paid. 1902. Appropriations may be made pursuant to this chapter for the following purposes: (a) To reduce special assessments and special assessment bonds levied and issued against real property fronting upon the public improvement or in the district estimated to have been benefited thereby. (b) For the payment of any portion of the principal or interest of, or for the purchase and redemption at a discount of, or the transfer to the interest and sinking fund for the discharge and payment of bonds, the proceeds of which have been used for the acquisition of rights of way or easements for, or for the construction, maintenance, improvement, or repair of streets, bridges, or culverts within the city. 1903. An appropriation under this chapter may be made from any fund of the city which may be used for the construction, maintenance, improvement, or repair of streets, or for the acquisition of rights of way therefor, or from any other fund available for the purposes of this chapter.