SECTION 9405-9407
9405. This chapter shall be administered in conjunction with the IFTA, the Use Fuel Tax Law (Part 3 (commencing with Section 8601)), and the Diesel Fuel Tax Law (Part 31 (commencing with Section 60001)). Whenever the Use Fuel Tax Law or the Diesel Fuel Tax Law is inconsistent with the IFTA or this chapter, the IFTA or this chapter shall prevail except where prohibited by the California Constitution or United States Constitution. 9407. (a) The IFTA, for the purposes of this chapter, may be used to: (1) Determine the base state jurisdiction for motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. (2) Impose recordkeeping requirements. (3) Specify audit procedures. (4) Establish procedures for the exchange of information. (5) Identify interstate motor carriers. (6) Define motor vehicles and fuels subject to the provisions of the agreement. (7) Determine bond requirements. (8) Specify reporting requirements, due dates of returns, interest and penalty rates, and provisions for failure to file returns. (9) Specify methods for collection of taxes, interest, and penalties. (10) Determine methods for the distribution of taxes and interest collected or assessed to the appropriate jurisdictions. (11) Deny, suspend, or cancel benefits under the agreement to any interstate motor carrier who violates the provisions of the agreement. (b) The board may adopt regulations to administer the provisions of this chapter.