SECTION 38011-38014
38011. The executive officer of the Franchise Tax Board shall be the member of the Multistate Tax Commission to represent this state for the commission's fiscal year period beginning in even-numbered calendar years and the executive secretary of the State Board of Equalization shall be such member for the commission's fiscal year period beginning in odd-numbered calendar years. 38012. The member of the Multistate Tax Commission representing this state may be represented at any time by an alternate designated by the member if there is on file with the commission written notification of the designation and identity of the alternate. 38013. The Attorney General, the Controller, a member of the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee and a member of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, a member of the Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee and a member of the Senate Finance Committee appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, and the Director of Finance of this state shall comprise the Multistate Tax Advisory Committee and they or their designees shall be entitled to attend the meetings of the Multistate Tax Commission. The Members of the Legislature appointed to the committee shall meet with and participate in the work of the committee to the extent that such participation is not incompatible with their positions as Members of the Legislature. Of the two legislative appointees of the Speaker of the Assembly and the Senate Rules Committee, one shall be appointed from each of the two major political parties represented in their respective houses of the Legislature. (b) This state's member of the Multistate Tax Commission as provided in Section 38011 shall consult with the Multistate Tax Advisory Committee and follow policy guidelines which such committee shall establish on matters of tax policy. 38014. There shall be one representative from county government and one representative from city government to consult with the member of the Multistate Tax Commission. The county and city representatives shall be appointed by the Governor from candidates nominated from among the officials of county and city governments of this state. Candidates for the representative from county government shall be nominated by the County Supervisors Association and candidates for the representative from city government shall be nominated by the League of California Cities. The county and city representatives shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.