SECTION 8001-8025
8001. As used in this article, "department" means the Department of Water Resources. 8002. The state base map shall consist of complementary planimetric, mosaic, and topographic maps prepared in units of convenient size and scale. 8003. The state base maps shall have delineated thereon plane rectangular coordinates which shall conform to the provisions of Division 8 (commencing at Section 8801) of this code. 8011. The department shall investigate mapping; shall prepare a complete report thereon including plans and recommendations for an adequate mapping program for California; and shall adopt a general plan and program for the accomplishment of the policy declared in this article. The general plan and program so adopted, and as from time to time modified, amended or revised by the department, shall be the authorized general plan and program to be carried out by the state departments. The department may from time to time make such further investigations and reports upon mapping as deemed proper by it in pursuance of the policy declared in this article. 8012. The technical methods used in preparation of the state base map, the terms of the contract, the specifications, and acceptance of the base maps or units thereof shall be the responsibility of the department. 8013. The department may enter into cooperative agreements with any department of the State qualified in the making and using of surveys and maps for the performance of such duties, reasonably connected with the functions of the department, as may aid in the accomplishment of the objectives prescribed in this article. 8014. The department may enter into contracts with public and private agencies for mapping and surveys not now the direct responsibility of existing state agencies with the approval of the Director of General Services. 8014.5. With the approval of the Director of General Services the department may enter into cooperative agreements with the federal government or any agency or agencies thereof for performance of map production work in accordance with the general plan and program adopted hereunder. 8015. The department is authorized to accept grants from the Federal Government or any of its agencies, or from any county, city and county, or city or other political agencies, and may accept gifts for the purpose of implementing mapping and surveys of this State when the same meet the specifications adopted by the department. 8016. To enable the coordination of the programs of the several map-making agencies, the department shall cause data to be assembled covering the various types of maps produced or being produced by federal, state or other agencies, their uses and estimated cost of production, the mapping facilities of all departments engaged in the preparation of maps and any duplication of mapping by state departments. All state agencies making and using maps shall cooperate in furnishing the necessary information covering all mapping procedure. These assembled data may be used by the department for all state mapping or map-making. 8017. The department shall collect information relative to maps and surveys of the State of California or parts thereof and provide a public information service for public and private persons and agencies relative to maps and surveys of the State. Such information service shall be maintained at Sacramento and may be maintained at Los Angeles and San Francisco. 8018. The Department of Water Resources may reproduce copies of maps and survey data of the state which are not otherwise available to the general public. Such copies may be sold and distributed at a price determined by the Department of Water Resources, with the approval of the Department of Finance. 8019. The department shall prepare and distribute to public officials, uniform specifications and regulations for aerial photographic mapping procedure and for the preparation of planimetric or topographic maps by photogrammetric methods. 8020. On the requests of the state departments the Department of Water Resources shall prepare specifications for the making of maps of the various types suited to the uses required by the departments or the public. 8022. No part of any money appropriated or otherwise made available to carry out the provisions of this article shall be expended for the original production of maps unless and until an equal or greater amount of money shall have been made available (by a political subdivision, public district, municipality, county or public agency, including agencies of local and Federal Government but excluding agencies which are a part of the Executive Department of the State Government) for expenditure by the department for work of map production to the end that any sums expended from money appropriated or otherwise made available to carry out the provisions of this article shall be matched by like or greater amounts from sources other than the State Treasury or funds of any agency which is a part of the Executive Department of the State Government; provided, that when the United States or any agency thereof matches funds it shall not be required that funds to be provided from federal sources shall be paid into the State Treasury. However, any work of production of maps which conforms to the general program and prescribed standards thereof, hereafter performed by political subdivisions of the State, may, with the approval of the department be considered as a contribution of moneys to the amount of the cost thereof. 8023. All money received for matching purposes shall be deposited in the Water Resources Revolving Fund and shall be expendable for paying expenses incurred pursuant to an agreement hereunder. 8024. All money received from the sale of maps or reports and data related thereto shall be deposited in the General Fund. 8025. The Department of Water Resources shall keep a record of all expenditures chargeable against each portion of the Water Resources Revolving Fund derived from matching moneys and any unused balance in any such portion of the fund shall on approval by the Department of Finance be withdrawn therefrom and paid out or refunded as provided in the agreement relating to such matching moneys.