SECTION 71120-71126
71120. Unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions govern this part: (a) "Agency" means the California Environmental Protection Agency. (b) "Secretary" means the Secretary for Environmental Protection. 71121. (a) In the 2004-05 fiscal year, to the extent that it will achieve actual budget savings and to the extent authorized by existing law, the secretary shall consolidate the number of accounts and funds in the Treasury that are for the support of programs administered by the boards, departments, and offices within the agency. (b) The secretary shall request the Governor to reflect the consolidation of funds in the proposed Governor's budget for fiscal year 2005-06. (c) Nothing in this section authorizes a change in purpose, revenue, management, allocation, or expenditure, related to a program supported by a special fund, or the manner or means of collecting revenue that is deposited in a special fund. 71122. In the 2004-05 fiscal year, to the extent that it will achieve actual budget savings, the secretary shall consolidate the following non-policy functions that are common among the boards, departments, and offices within the agency: (a) Information technology. (b) Collecting fees. (c) Procuring basic office supplies and equipment. (d) The generic human resources functions that support state personnel, including health and safety programs, employee training, recruitment and exams for common civil service classifications, equal opportunity officers, transportation related services and programs, mail, reproduction, shipping, and receiving. 71123. (a) The implementation of Sections 71121 and 71122 shall not affect the independence of a board, department, or office within the agency to administer its own budget or to manage its own employees, except for the specific activities consolidated by the secretary pursuant to those sections. (b) The implementation of Sections 71121 and 71122 shall not affect the personnel of a board, department, or office within the agency, who are engaged in program work and related support functions such as contract administration and facilities management. (c) The implementation of Sections 71121 and 71122 shall not result in the transfer of fee revenue from a board, department, or office within the agency, to another board, department, or office within the agency. (d) Nothing in this part shall affect an executive reorganization pursuant to Article 7.5 (commencing with Section 12080) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. 71124. The secretary shall report any budget savings achieved pursuant to Sections 71121 and 71122 to the Legislature's budget committees, for appropriation to programs that directly reduce air pollution or water pollution, or protect public health and the environment, if that appropriation complies with existing constraints on the use of the moneys saved. 71125. The secretary may use a reimbursement from a board, department, or office within the agency for a consolidated service that the agency provides to those entities. 71126. Upon the request of the secretary, the Department of Finance shall assist the secretary in complying with this part.