SECTION 6240-6244
6240. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the California Coastal Sanctuary Act of 1994. 6241. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that offshore oil and gas production in certain areas of state waters poses an unacceptably high risk of damage and disruption to the marine environment of the state. 6242. (a) A California Coastal Sanctuary is hereby created which includes all state waters subject to tidal influence, except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (c). (b) The California Coastal Sanctuary shall not include any state waters subject to a lease for the extraction of oil or gas in effect on January 1, 1995, unless the lease is deeded or otherwise reverts to the state after that date. (c) The California Coastal Sanctuary shall not include any state waters situated east of the Carquinez Bridges on Interstate 80. 6243. Notwithstanding any provision of Article 4 (commencing with Section 6870) of Chapter 3 of Part 2 or any other provision of law, no state agency or state officer shall enter into any new lease for the extraction of oil or gas from the California Coastal Sanctuary, unless the President of the United States has found a severe energy supply interruption and has ordered distribution of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve pursuant to Section 6241(d) of Title 42 of the United States Code, the Governor finds that the energy resources of the sanctuary will contribute significantly to the alleviation of that interruption, and the Legislature subsequently acts to amend this chapter to allow that extraction. 6244. The commission may enter into any lease for the extraction of oil or gas from state-owned tide and submerged lands in the California Coastal Sanctuary if the commission determines that those oil or gas deposits are being drained by means of producing wells upon adjacent federal lands and the lease is in the best interests of the state.