SECTION 48020-48028
48020. (a) For purposes of this article, the following terms have the following meaning: (1) "Codisposal site" means a hazardous substance release site listed pursuant to Section 25356 of the Health and Safety Code, where the disposal of hazardous substances, hazardous waste, and solid waste has occurred. (2) "Trust fund" means the Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Trust Fund created pursuant to Section 48027. (b) The board shall, on January 1, 1994, initiate a program for the cleanup of solid waste disposal sites and for the cleanup of solid waste at codisposal sites where the responsible party either cannot be identified or is unable or unwilling to pay for timely remediation, and where cleanup is needed to protect public health and safety or the environment. (c) The board shall not expend more than 5 percent of the funds appropriated for the purpose of the program by a statute other than the Budget Act to administer that program, unless a different amount is otherwise appropriated to administer the program in the annual Budget Act. If a different amount is appropriated to administer the program in the annual Budget Act, it shall be set forth in a separate line item. All remaining funds appropriated for the purposes of the program shall be expended on direct cleanup pursuant to subdivision (b) or emergency actions at solid waste facilities, disposal sites, sites involving solid waste handling, and for solid waste at codisposal sites. 48021. (a) In prioritizing the sites for cleanup pursuant to Section 48020, the board shall consider the degree of risk to public health and safety and the environment posed by conditions at a site, the ability of the site owner to clean up the site without monetary assistance, the ability of the board to clean up the site adequately with available funds, maximizing the use of available funds, and other factors as determined by the board. (b) (1) In administering the program authorized by Section 48020, the board may expend funds directly for cleanup, provide loans to parties who demonstrate the ability to repay state funds, and provide partial grants to public entities, to assist in site cleanup. (2) The board may expend funds directly for the cleanup of a publicly owned site only if the board determines that the public entity lacks resources or expertise to timely manage the cleanup itself. (3) In addition to the criteria specified in subdivision (a), in considering partial grants that provide greater than 50 percent of the funds directly for cleanup, the board shall consider the amount of contributions of moneys or in-kind services from the applicant; the availability of other appropriate funding sources to remediate the site; the degree of public benefit; the presence of innovative and cost-effective programs to abate or prevent solid waste problems to be addressed by the grants; and other factors as determined by the board. (c) (1) In addition to the expenditures specified in subdivision (b), the board may expend a portion of the funds appropriated for the program to abate illegal disposal sites. (2) For the purposes of this subdivision, the board may provide grants to public entities. (3) Where funds are provided by the board to address illegal disposal sites within a jurisdiction, the local enforcement agency shall provide ongoing enforcement to prevent recurring illegal disposal at the site. (4) For the purposes of this subdivision, an activity to remove or abate solid waste disposed into a municipal storm sewer is eligible to receive a partial grant, if the grant is used for solid waste cleanup, solid waste abatement, or any other activity that mitigates the impact of solid waste, and an ongoing program is established to prevent recurring solid waste disposal into the municipal storm sewer. (d) In developing and implementing the program, the board shall consult with certified local enforcement agencies and the regional water boards. 48022. The Legislature finds and declares all of the following: (a) Pursuant to the legal framework and definitions pertaining to solid waste contained in this division, the board and the local enforcement agencies have general authority and responsibility for responding to environmental conditions at solid waste disposal sites to ensure protection of the public health and safety and the environment. (b) The definitions of "solid waste," "solid waste disposal," and "solid waste landfill" establish some of the parameters for the general authority and responsibility of the board and the local enforcement agencies. (c) The Solid Waste Disposal and Codisposal Site Cleanup Program established under this article establishes a mechanism for funding the cleanup of solid waste disposal sites and the solid waste at codisposal sites under specified conditions and circumstances. (d) A burn dump site is a solid waste disposal site and, as such, is a site that is eligible for funding pursuant to the program, provided all other criteria for program eligibility are met. (e) Pursuant to the Health and Safety Code, the Department of Toxic Substances Control has general jurisdiction, authority, and responsibility regarding hazardous substance release sites. (f) Pursuant to the Water Code, the State Water Resources Control Board and the regional water quality control boards have general jurisdiction, authority, and responsibility regarding protection of the waters of the state, including, but not limited to, solid waste and hazardous waste discharges. (g) Most burn dump sites impact multiple media. Burn dump sites usually contain hazardous substances and, therefore, most can be characterized generally as hazardous substance release sites. Burn dump sites also contain predominantly solid waste and, therefore, can be characterized generally as solid waste disposal sites. Some burn dump sites impact, or have the potential to impact, waters of the state. (h) Burn dump sites are presumed to be solid waste disposal sites, subject to the general authority and responsibility of the board and the local enforcement agencies. In addition to this general presumption, it is the intent of the Legislature to require that the procedures set forth in Section 48022.5 be followed to ensure that hazardous substances and hazardous wastes at burn dump sites are adequately characterized and safely managed and remediated in consultation with, or under the direct oversight of, the department or the appropriate regional water quality control board, or both. 48022.5. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the following meanings, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (1) "Burn dump site" means a solid waste disposal site that meets all of the following conditions: (A) Was operated prior to 1972. (B) Is closed. (C) Prior to closure, was a site where open burning was conducted. (2) "Department" means the Department of Toxic Substances Control. (3) "Regional board" means a California regional water quality control board. (4) "Remediation oversight agency" means the entity responsible for environmental oversight on a burn dump site remediation project. (5) "Sensitive land use" means either of the following: (A) Use for residences, schools, day care facilities, hospitals and hospices, and other facilities or structures that have a high density of occupation on a daily basis. (B) Use as a park, golf course, or any other, similar open-space area that is made available for public use, when the park, golf course, or open-space area has a potential for human exposure to hazardous substances. (b) On or before June 30, 2003, the department, in consultation with the board and the State Water Resources Control Board, shall develop protocols to be utilized by the board and the local enforcement agencies for site investigation and characterization of hazardous substances at burn dump sites. (1) The protocols shall include, but need not be limited to, both of the following items: (A) Sampling and analysis protocols to be utilized by the board and the local enforcement agencies for site investigation and characterization of hazardous substances at burn dump sites. (B) Appropriate abatement measures for nonsensitive land uses. (2) In addition, the protocols may include either or both of the following items: (A) Cleanup guidelines, levels, or thresholds for one or more typical constituents of concern based on nonsensitive land uses. (B) Specifications for confirmation sampling on partial and complete clean-closed sites. (c) Whenever the board receives an application for funding under this article for a burn dump site, the board shall use the protocols developed by the department under subdivision (b) to investigate and characterize hazardous substances at the site. (d) Once sufficient site information is available, the board shall notify the department and the appropriate regional board of the board's interest in providing funding and remediation oversight for the site. (e) For a nonsensitive land use site, the board shall proceed as the remediation oversight agency, following the notification required under subdivision (d), unless the department or regional board requests a site consultation meeting under subdivision (g). (f) For an existing or proposed sensitive land use site, the board shall request a site consultation meeting under subdivision (g). (g) For sites with existing or proposed sensitive land uses or water quality impacts, or where otherwise requested by the department or a regional board, the board, the department, the State Water Resources Control Board, and the appropriate regional board shall hold a site consultation meeting to determine which agency will provide remediation oversight. If, following a review of the site information, the department or a regional board requests to provide remediation oversight, that request shall be granted. If the department or a regional board does not request to provide remediation oversight, remediation oversight of the site shall remain with the board. In cases where the board requested the meeting, the determination of remediation oversight agency shall be made within 30 days of the board's request for the meeting. (h) The board may require the imposition of an environmental restriction on any burn dump site where solid waste or residuals from the burning of solid waste is left in place. The environmental restriction shall meet the requirements described in Section 1471 of the Civil Code, and the restrictions shall run with the land. (i) On or before March 30, 2003, the board and the department shall enter into an agreement relating to the funding of any activities of the department appropriately conducted pursuant to this section. (j) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of the board, the department, the State Water Resources Control Board, or a regional board pursuant to other provisions of law. (k) Nothing in this section is intended to preclude any qualifying entity from applying for and receiving funding assistance under any other provision of law. 48023. (a) If the board expends any funds pursuant to this article, the board shall, to the extent feasible, seek repayment from responsible parties in an amount equal to the amount expended, a reasonable amount for the board's cost of contract administration, and an amount equal to the interest that would have been earned on the expended funds. (b) In implementing this article, the board is vested, in addition to its other powers, with all the powers of an enforcement agency under this division. (c) The amount of any cost incurred by the board pursuant to this article shall be recoverable from responsible parties in a civil action brought by the board or, upon the request of the board, by the Attorney General pursuant to Section 40432. 48023.5. (a) In addition to the remedies authorized under Section 48023, any costs or damages incurred under this article by the board constitute a lien upon the real property owned by any responsible party that is subject to the remedial action. The lien shall attach regardless of whether the responsible party is insolvent. A lien imposed under this section shall arise at the time costs are first incurred by the board with respect to a remedial action at the site. (b) A lien established under this section shall be subject to the notice and hearing procedures required by due process of the law. Prior to imposing the lien, the board shall send the property owner via certified mail a "Notice of Intent to Place A Lien" letter. This letter shall provide that the owner, within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the letter, may object to the imposition of the lien either in writing or through an informal proceeding before a neutral official. This neutral official shall be the board's executive director or his or her designee, who may not have had any prior involvement with the site. The issue before the neutral official shall be whether the board has a reasonable basis for its determination that the statutory elements for lien placement under this section are satisfied. During this proceeding the property owner may present information or submit documents, or both, to establish that the board should not place a lien as proposed. The neutral official shall assure that a record of the proceeding is made, and shall issue a written decision. The decision shall state whether the property owner has established any issue of fact or law to alter the board's intention to file a lien, and the basis for the decision. (c) The board may not be considered a responsible party for a remediated site merely because a lien is imposed under this section. (d) A lien imposed under this section shall continue until the liability for the costs or damages incurred under this article, or a judgment against the responsible party, is satisfied. However, if it is determined by a court that the judgment against the responsible party will not be satisfied, the board may exercise its rights under the lien. (e) A lien imposed under this section shall have the force and effect of, and the priority of, a judgment lien upon its recordation in the county in which the property subject to the lien is located. The lien shall contain a legal description of the real property that is subject to, or affected by, the remedial action, the assessor's parcel number, and the name of the owner of record, as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll. (f) All funds recovered under this section on behalf of the board' s solid waste disposal and codisposal site cleanup program shall be deposited in the Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Trust Fund established under Section 48027. 48024. Any contract entered into by the board pursuant to Section 48021 or 48022 is exempt from approval by the Department of General Services pursuant to Section 10295 of the Public Contract Code. 48025. The board may adopt regulations for the implementation of this article. 48026. All expenses which are incurred by the board in carrying out this article shall be payable solely from the trust fund. No liability or obligation is imposed upon the state pursuant to this part, and the board shall not incur a liability or obligation beyond the extent to which money is provided in the trust fund for the purposes of this article. 48027. (a) (1) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that effective response to cleanup at solid waste disposal and codisposal sites requires that the state have sufficient funds available in the trust fund created pursuant to subdivision (b). (2) The Legislature further finds and declares that the maintenance of the trust fund is of the utmost importance to the state and that it is essential that, except as described in subdivision (g), any moneys in the trust fund be used solely for the purposes authorized in this article and not be used, loaned, or transferred for any other purpose. (b) The Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Trust Fund is hereby created in the State Treasury. Notwithstanding Section 13340 of the Government Code, the moneys in the trust fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the board for expenditure, without regard to fiscal years, for the purposes of this article. (c) The following moneys shall be deposited into the trust fund: (1) Funds appropriated by the Legislature from the Integrated Waste Management Account to the board for solid waste disposal or codisposal site cleanup. (2) Any interest earned on the moneys in the trust fund. (3) Any cost recoveries from responsible parties for solid waste disposal or codisposal site cleanup and loan repayments pursuant to this article. (d) If this article is repealed, the trust fund shall be dissolved and all moneys in the fund shall be distributed to solid waste landfill operators who have paid into the trust fund during the effective life of the trust fund. (e) Any trust fund distributions received by solid waste landfill operators pursuant to subdivision (c) may be used for only any of the following activities, as related to solid waste landfills: (1) Solid waste landfill closure and postclosure maintenance operations. (2) Implementation of Part 258 (commencing with Section 258.1) of Chapter I of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (3) Corrective actions at the solid waste landfill. (f) The balance in the trust fund each July 1 shall not exceed thirty million dollars ($30,000,000). (g) Notwithstanding any other law, the Controller may use the moneys in the Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Trust Fund for loans to the General Fund as provided in Sections 16310 and 16381 of the Government Code. 48028. Any funds appropriated for the purpose of the program that are not expended shall remain in the trust fund for future expenditure by the board for the purposes of this article or until this article is repealed.