SECTION 44150-44152
44150. (a) The enforcement agency shall not issue or revise a solid waste facilities permit for any proposed project which proposes to use transformation, as defined in Section 40201, unless the project complies with all of the following conditions: (1) The proposed project meets all of the requirements specified in this chapter. (2) The proposed project is consistent with state solid waste management policy as set forth in Section 40051. (3) The proposed project has a defined source of waste, including waste available from existing solid waste transfer and processing stations. (4) The proposed project is guaranteed, by contract or other commitments, more than sufficient quantities of waste to maintain the project's economic feasibility for the life of the bonded indebtedness of the project. This guarantee shall not include any materials which will be recycled pursuant to paragraph (5). (5) The proposed project, and any contracts or commitments the project has entered into for the provision of waste, uses front-end recycling methods or programs to remove all recyclable materials from the waste stream prior to transformation to the maximum extent feasible. (6) If the proposed project is a thermal powerplant, the thermal powerplant has been specifically included in an adopted and approved revision of the countywide or regional agency integrated waste management plan prepared pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 41750) of Part 2. (7) The ash or other residue generated from the transformation project is routinely tested at least once a month, and, notwithstanding Section 25143.5 of the Health and Safety Code, if hazardous wastes are present, the ash or residue is sent to a Class 1 hazardous waste disposal facility. (b) Facilities for the recovery of methane gas are not subject to this section. 44151. Any solid waste facility, located outside of any city, shall be maintained in compliance with the flammable clearance provisions of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 4371) of Part 2 of Division 4. 44152. No enforcement agency shall issue or revise a permit for a solid waste facility which exclusively uses transformation until the board has concluded in writing that the proposed permit is consistent with the state's minimum standards for solid waste facilities.