
SECTION 4331-4333

4331.  Except at the places or during the period of time designated
by regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of the Secretary of
Agriculture of the United States, a person shall not smoke or build a
campfire upon any national forest land unless he has a written
permit to do so issued by an authorized agent of the Secretary of
Agriculture and possesses the firefighting tools which are required
by such permit.

4332.  Whenever it is necessary in the interests of public peace or
safety, the director, with the consent of the Governor, may order
closed to camping, hunting, trapping, or the use of firearms, any
area in any state park or state forest. The director shall post and
enforce such closure order in such area.

4333.  Any order which is issued pursuant to Section 4332 shall be
published twice in at least one newspaper of general circulation in
any county that is affected by the order. The publication shall be
separated by a period of not less than one week and not more than two
weeks. The order shall also be posted in such public places in each
county as the director may direct, and along roads and trails which
pass through such areas declared to be closed to camping or entry.