SECTION 42820-42825
42820. (a) The board, in consultation with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, shall adopt regulations setting forth the procedures and requirements necessary to obtain a major waste tire facility permit. The regulations adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall not be limited to, but shall include by reference, the regulations adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to subdivision (b). (b) The State Fire Marshal, in consultation with the board, shall adopt fire prevention regulations for a major waste tire facility. (c) Regulations adopted pursuant to subdivision (a) shall not require the issuance of a separate permit to a solid waste disposal facility that is permitted pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 44001) of Part 4. 42821. The regulations for a major waste tire facility permit shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (a) Requirements for submission of a detailed operations plan that contains the following components: (1) Fire prevention measures consistent with applicable regulations adopted by the State Fire Marshal pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 42820. (2) Fencing and other security measures. (3) Vector control measures. (4) Limits on the size and height of tire piles. (5) A closure plan. (b) Requirements for submission of a detailed plan and implementation schedule for the elimination or substantial reduction of existing tire piles using any of the following methods or techniques: (1) Polymer treatment. (2) Rubber reclaiming and crumb rubber production. (3) Pyrolysis. (4) Production of supplemental fuels for cement kilns, lumber operations, or other industrial processes. (5) Tire shredding and transportation to an authorized solid waste landfill. (6) Energy recovery through incineration of whole or shredded tires in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued by an air pollution control district or air quality management district. (7) Other applications determined to be appropriate by the board. (c) Requirements for the submission of evidence of financial assurances secured by the operator of the facility that are adequate to cover damage claims arising out of the operation of the facility and that are adequate to cover the cost of closure if that becomes necessary. The financial assurance shall be a trust fund, surety bond, letter of credit, insurance, or other equivalent financial arrangement acceptable to the board. 42822. The board shall issue major waste tire facility permits pursuant to the regulations upon application therefor. 42823. Except as provided in Section 42823.5, no person shall establish a new major waste tire facility or expand an existing minor waste tire facility unless the person has obtained a major waste tire facility permit issued by the board pursuant to Section 42822. 42823.5. (a) A cement manufacturing plant shall be exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit pursuant to Section 42823 if the operator of the cement manufacturing plant meets both of the following requirements: (1) The owner or operator of the cement manufacturing plant stores not more than a one-month supply of waste tires at the site of the cement manufacturing plant at any time. A one-month supply of waste tires shall be based on either of the following: (A) The average monthly consumption of waste tires by the plant during the previous year. (B) The waste tire percentage of the total fuel supply allowed by the air pollution control district or air quality management district, multiplied by the average monthly consumption of fuel for the previous year. (2) The operator or owner of the cement manufacturing plant is in compliance with any regulations adopted by the board pertaining to waste tire storage and disposal. (b) To apply for the exemption provided by this section, the operator or owner of a cement manufacturing plant shall provide all of the following information to the board in writing: (1) The name, address, and physical location of the plant. (2) The name, address, and telephone number of the plant operator and owner. (3) Information describing compliance with subdivision (a). (4) Signatures of the operator and owner of the plant certifying to the accuracy of the information provided. (c) If there is any change to the information provided pursuant to subdivision (b), the operator or owner of the cement manufacturing plant shall report the change to the board, in writing, within 30 days from the date of the change. (d) Within 60 days from the date of the receipt of the information required by subdivision (b), the board shall determine whether the operator or owner of a cement manufacturing plant qualifies for the exemption provided by this section and shall notify the operator or owner of the plant of its determination in writing. (e) The board or the local enforcement agency may inspect a cement manufacturing plant that receives the exemption provided by this section to determine compliance with this section. (f) Any operator or owner of a cement manufacturing plant who receives an exemption pursuant to this section shall allow the board, upon presentation of the proper credentials, to enter the cement manufacturing plant during normal working hours to examine and copy books, papers, records, or memoranda pertaining to the use and storage of waste tires, and to conduct inspections and investigations pertaining to waste tire use and storage. 42824. On and after September 1, 1994, it is unlawful to direct or transport waste tires to a major waste tire facility or to accept waste tires at a major waste tire facility unless the operator has obtained a major waste tire facility permit. 42825. (a) Any person who accepts waste tires at a major waste tire facility that has not been issued a permit or an authorization to operate from the board, or who knowingly directs, transports, or abandons waste tires to or at a major waste tire facility that has not been issued a permit or an authorization to operate from the board shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each day of violation, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. (b) For purposes of subdivision (a), "each day of violation" means each day on which a violation continues. In any case where a person has accepted waste tires at a major waste tire facility, or knowingly directed or transported waste tires to a major waste tire facility, that has not been issued a permit, in violation of subdivision (a), each day that the waste tires remain at the facility and the person has knowledge thereof is a separate additional violation, unless the person has filed a report with the board disclosing the violation and is in compliance with any order regarding the waste tires issued by the board, a hearing officer, or a court of competent jurisdiction.