SECTION 41820.5-41822
41820.5. (a) In addition to its authority under Section 41820, the board may, after a public hearing, grant a time extension from the diversion requirements of Section 41780 to a city if both of the following conditions exist: (1) The city was incorporated pursuant to Division 3 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 5 of the Government Code after January 1, 1990, and before January 1, 2001. (2) The county within which the city is located did not include provisions in its franchises that ensured that the now incorporated area would comply with the diversion requirements of Section 41780. (b) The board may authorize a city that meets the requirements of subdivision (a) to submit a source reduction and recycling element that includes an implementation schedule that shows both of the following: (1) The city shall divert 25 percent of its estimated generation amount of solid waste from landfill or transformation facilities within three years from the date on which the source reduction and recycling element is due pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 41791.5, through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities. (2) The city shall divert 50 percent of its estimated generation amount of solid waste from landfill or transformation facilities within eight years from the date on which the source reduction and recycling element is due pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 41791.5, through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities. 41820.6. (a) In addition to its authority under Section 41820, the board may, after a public hearing, grant a time extension from the requirements of Section 41780 to a city if both of the following conditions exist: (1) The city was incorporated pursuant to Division 3 (commencing with Section 56000) of Title 5 of the Government Code on or after January 1, 2001. (2) The county within which the city is located did not include provisions in its franchises that ensured that the now incorporated area would comply with the requirements of Section 41780. (b) The board may authorize a city that meets the requirements of subdivision (a) to submit a source reduction and recycling element that includes an implementation schedule that shows that the city shall comply with the requirements of Section 41780, within three years from the date on which the source reduction and recycling element is due pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 41791.5, through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities. 41821. (a) (1) Each year following the board's approval of a jurisdiction's source reduction and recycling element, household hazardous waste element, and nondisposal facility element, the jurisdiction shall submit a report to the board summarizing its progress in reducing solid waste as required by Section 41780, in accordance with the schedule set forth in this subdivision. (2) The annual report shall be due on or before August 1 of the year following board approval of the source reduction and recycling element, the household hazardous waste element, and the nondisposal facility element, and on or before August 1 in each subsequent year. The information in this report shall encompass the previous calendar year, January 1 to December 31, inclusive. (b) Each jurisdiction's annual report to the board shall, at a minimum, include the following: (1) Calculations of annual disposal reduction. (2) A summary of progress made in implementing the source reduction and recycling element and the household hazardous waste element. (3) An update of the jurisdiction's source reduction and recycling element and household hazardous waste element to include any new or expanded programs the jurisdiction has implemented or plans to implement. (4) An update of the jurisdiction's nondisposal facility element to reflect any new or expanded nondisposal facilities the jurisdiction is using or planning to use. (5) A summary of progress made in diversion of construction and demolition of waste material, including information on programs and ordinances implemented by the local government and quantitative data, where available. (6) Other information relevant to compliance with Section 41780. (c) A jurisdiction may also include, in the report required by this section, all of the following: (1) Information on disposal reported pursuant to Section 41821.5 that the jurisdiction believes may be relevant to the board's determination of the jurisdiction's per capita disposal rate. (2) Disposal characterization studies or other completed studies that show the effectiveness of the programs being implemented. (3) Factors that the jurisdiction believes would affect the accuracy of, or mitigate the amount of, solid waste disposed by the jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, either of the following: (A) Whether the jurisdiction hosts a solid waste facility or regional diversion facility. (B) The effects of self-hauled waste and construction and demolition waste. (4) The extent to which the jurisdiction previously relied on biomass diversion credit and the extent to which it may be impacted by the lack of the credit. (5) Information regarding the programs the jurisdiction is undertaking to address specific disposal challenges, and why it is not feasible to implement programs to respond to other factors that affect the amount of waste that is disposed. (6) Other information that describes the good faith efforts of the jurisdiction to comply with Section 41780. (d) The board shall use, but is not limited to the use of, the annual report in the determination of whether the jurisdiction's source reduction and recycling element needs to be revised or updated. (e) (1) The board shall adopt procedures for requiring additional information in a jurisdiction's annual report. The procedures shall require the board to notify a jurisdiction of any additional required information no later than 120 days after the board receives the report from the jurisdiction. (2) Paragraph (1) does not prohibit the board from making additional requests for information in a timely manner. A jurisdiction receiving a request for information shall respond in a timely manner. (3) If the schedule for the submission of an annual report by a jurisdiction does not correspond with the scheduled review by the board specified in subdivision (a) of Section 41825, the board shall utilize the information contained in the annual report to assist the board in providing technical assistance and reviewing the jurisdiction's diversion program implementation. (f) The board shall adopt procedures for conferring with a jurisdiction regarding the implementation of its diversion programs. (g) Notwithstanding the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act ( Title 2.5 (commencing with Section 1633.1) of Part 2 of Division 3 of the Civil Code), a jurisdiction shall submit the progress report required by this section to the board electronically, using the board' s electronic reporting format system. (h) Notwithstanding the reporting schedule required by this section, and in addition to the review required by Section 41825, the board shall visit each jurisdiction not less than once each year to monitor the jurisdiction's implementation and maintenance of its diversion programs. 41821.1. (a) Each year following the board's approval of a county or regional agency's siting element and summary plan, the county or regional agency shall submit a report to the board summarizing the adequacy of the siting element and summary plan. The report on the siting element shall discuss any changes in disposal capacity, disposal facilities, or any other relevant issues. The annual report shall be due on or before August 1 of the year following board approval of a county or regional agency's siting element and summary plan, and on or before August 1 in each subsequent year. The information in this report shall encompass the previous calendar year, January 1 to December 31, inclusive. (b) The board shall adopt procedures that may authorize a jurisdiction to submit an abbreviated version of the report required pursuant to this section, if the board determines that the jurisdiction has met or exceeded the requirements of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 41780 for the previous two years, and if the board determines that the jurisdiction has otherwise complied with this division for the previous five years. 41821.2. (a) For the purposes of this section, "district" means a community services district, public utility district, or sanitary district that provides solid waste handling services or implements source reduction and recycling programs. (b) Notwithstanding any other law, each district shall do all of the following: (1) Comply with the source reduction and recycling element and the household hazardous waste element of the city, county, or regional agency in which the district is located, as required by the city, county, or regional agency. The city, county, or regional agency shall notify a district of any program that it is implementing or modifying when it annually submits a report to the board pursuant to Section 41821. (2) Provide each city, county, or regional agency in which it is located, information on the programs implemented by the district, the amount of waste disposed and reported to the disposal tracking system pursuant to Section 41821.5 for each city, county, or regional agency, and the amount of waste diverted by the district for each city, county, or regional agency. (c) The board may adopt regulations pertaining to the format of the information to be provided pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) and deadlines for supplying this information to the city, county, or regional agency, so that it may be incorporated into the annual report submitted to the board pursuant to Section 41821. (d) A district is subject to the portion of a penalty imposed, pursuant to Section 41850, upon a city, county, or regional agency in which the district is located, that is in proportion to the district' s responsibility for failure to implement that jurisdiction's source reduction and recycling element and household hazardous waste element, as determined by that city, county, or regional agency. The board shall not determine the proportion of a district's responsibility as part of its determination to impose penalties. The city, county, or regional agency shall provide the district with a written notice regarding the district's responsibility, including the basis for determining the district's proportional responsibility, and an opportunity for hearing before the city, county, or regional agency's governing body, before assessing the district a proportion of the penalty imposed by the board. (e) A district may impose a fee in an amount sufficient to pay for the costs of complying with this section. The fees shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as the fees imposed pursuant to Sections 41901 and 41902. 41821.3. (a) For the purposes of this section the following definitions shall apply: (1) "Inert waste" means only rock, concrete, brick, sand, soil, ceramics, and cured asphalt. "Inert waste" does not include any waste that meets the definition of "designated waste," as defined in Section 13173 of the Water Code, or "hazardous waste" as defined in Section 40141. (2) "Inert waste removed from the solid waste stream and not disposed of in a solid waste landfill" means the use or placement of inert waste on property where surface mining operations, as defined in Section 2735, are being conducted, or have been conducted previously, if the use or placement is for purposes of reclamation, as defined in Section 2733, pursuant to either of the following: (A) A reclamation plan approved under Section 2774. (B) For surface mining operations conducted prior to January 1, 1976, an agreement with a city or county, or a permit issued by a city or county, that provides for a fill appropriately engineered for the planned future use of the reclaimed mine site. (3) "Jurisdiction" means a city, county, or regional agency. (b) A jurisdiction shall deduct, from the amount of disposed waste that is required to be included in the annual report submitted to the board pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 41821, inert waste removed from the solid waste stream and not disposed of in a solid waste landfill, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a). A jurisdiction shall deduct this inert waste only in accordance with the procedures specified in subdivisions (c) to (e), inclusive, commencing with the report submitted by the jurisdiction to the board for the year 2001. (c) (1) A jurisdiction shall deduct inert waste pursuant to subdivision (b) from its reported disposal tonnage for the year 2001, and shall identify, in the jurisdiction's annual report, that the deduction is being made pursuant to this section and the exact amount of the deduction. (2) The board shall verify that the deduction made pursuant to paragraph (1) is consistent with the requirements of this section and the amount deducted is consistent with the amount reported through the board's disposal reporting system. The board shall approve the deduction made by the jurisdiction upon making this verification. (3) If the board finds that the amount deducted pursuant to paragraph (1) does not meet the requirements of this section, or if the amount deducted is not consistent with the amount reported through the board's disposal reporting system, the board shall notify the jurisdiction of its preliminary determination and confer with representatives of the jurisdiction to reach an agreement regarding the amount of the deduction. If the jurisdiction agrees upon the amount of the deduction, the board shall approve the deduction as modified. If the board and the jurisdiction are unable to reach agreement upon the amount of the deduction, the jurisdiction may request a hearing before the board to obtain a final determination. (d) (1) A jurisdiction shall deduct tonnage from its base-year disposal in an amount equal to the amount deducted from the jurisdiction's 2001 disposal tonnage pursuant to this section. The jurisdiction shall not deduct an amount from its base-year disposal tonnage that is greater than the amount of disposed inert waste that was included in its most recent board-approved revised base-year approved by the board. (2) The board shall verify that the base-year deduction made pursuant to paragraph (1) is consistent with the requirements of this section. The board shall approve the revised base-year disposal tonnage upon making this verification. (3) If the board finds that the base-year deduction requested pursuant to paragraph (1) is not consistent with the requirements of this section, the board shall notify the jurisdiction of its preliminary determination and confer with representatives of the jurisdiction in order to reach agreement regarding the amount of the deduction. If the jurisdiction agrees upon the amount of the deduction, the board shall approve the revised base-year disposal tonnage accordingly. If the board and the jurisdiction are unable to reach agreement upon the amount of the deduction, the jurisdiction may request a hearing before the board to obtain a final determination. (e) (1) A jurisdiction shall deduct all inert waste from its reported disposal tonnage in all of its annual reports for all subsequent years. The board shall verify this deduction pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of subdivision (c). (2) If the board approves the jurisdiction's revised base-year disposal tonnage pursuant to subdivision (d), the revised base year disposal tonnage shall not be subsequently revised for inert waste under this section. (f) This section does not limit the authority of the board to require any facility that uses or places inert material on property where surface mining operations are being conducted, or have been conducted previously, to report to the board on the quantities of inert material used or placed on the property for the purpose of reclamation. (g) It is the intent of the Legislature that a city, county, or regional agency not be required to revise its source reduction and recycling element to comply with this section unless the city, county, or regional agency elects to implement this section as authorized by this section. (h) This section shall become inoperative on the operative date of any regulation adopted by the board relating to "inert waste removed from the solid waste stream and not disposed of in a solid waste landfill," as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), if that regulation includes procedures to facilitate the counting of the inert waste for purposes of the disposal reporting system established under Section 41821.5 when that inert waste is placed in a mine reclamation facility as fill material, and, as of January 1 immediately following that operative date, is repealed, unless a later enacted statute that is enacted before that January 1 deletes or extends the dates on which it becomes inoperative and is repealed. 41821.5. (a) Disposal facility operators shall submit to counties information from periodic tracking surveys on the disposal tonnages by jurisdiction or region of origin that are disposed of at each disposal facility. To enable disposal facility operators to provide that information, solid waste handlers and transfer station operators shall provide information to disposal facility operators on the origin of the solid waste that they deliver to the disposal facility. (b) Recycling and composting facilities shall submit periodic information to counties on the types and quantities of materials that are disposed of, sold to end users, or that are sold to exporters or transporters for sale outside of the state, by county of origin. When materials are sold or transferred by one recycling or composting facility to another, for other than an end use of the material or for export, the seller or transferror of the material shall inform the buyer or transferee of the county of origin of the materials. The reporting requirements of this subdivision do not apply to entities that sell the byproducts of a manufacturing process. (c) Each county shall submit periodic reports to the cities within the county, to any regional agency of which it is a member agency, and to the board, on the amounts of solid waste disposed by jurisdiction or region of origin, as specified in subdivision (a), and on the categories and amounts of solid waste diverted to recycling and composting facilities within the county or region, as specified in subdivision (b). (d) The board may adopt regulations pursuant to this section requiring practices and procedures that are reasonable and necessary to perform the periodic tracking surveys required by this section, and that provide a representative accounting of solid wastes that are handled, processed, or disposed. Those regulations or periodic tracking surveys approved by the board shall not impose an unreasonable burden on waste handling, processing, or disposal operations or otherwise interfere with the safe handling, processing, and disposal of solid waste. (e) On or before January 1, 2002, the board shall submit a report to the Legislature that evaluates the implementation of this section. The report shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: (1) An evaluation of the accuracy of the disposal reporting system under differing circumstances. (2) The status of implementation of the disposal reporting system at the local level by waste haulers, landfills, transfer station and material recovery operators, and local agencies. (3) The need for modification of the disposal reporting system to improve accuracy. (4) Recommendations for regulatory and statutory changes needed to address deficiencies in the disposal reporting system. (5) Recommendations to improve implementation and to streamline the reporting system, including ways to assist agencies to meet the reporting and tracking requirements. (f) The board shall convene a working group composed of representatives of stakeholder groups, including, but not limited to, cities, counties, regional agencies, the solid waste industry, recyclers, and environmental organizations, to assist the board in preparing the report required pursuant to subdivision (e). 41821.6. To assist market development efforts by the board, local agencies, and the private sector, the board shall use existing data resources collected from recycling, composting, and disposal facilities, or from other sources, to provide periodic information on the recovery and availability of recycled materials. 41822. Each city, county, or regional agency shall review its source reduction and recycling element or the countywide integrated waste management plan at least once every five years to correct any deficiencies in the element or plan, to comply with the source reduction and recycling requirements established under Section 41780, and to revise the documents, as necessary, to comply with this part. Any revision made to an element or plan pursuant to this section shall be submitted to the board for review and approval or disapproval pursuant to the schedule established under this chapter.